cogadh: I know what it is, I just fail to see the point of it. I am a huge Trek fan and I am sure I have been guilty of this same kind of snobbery myself, but when the new Battlestar Galactica came on the air and my wife, of all people, began watching it and enjoying it with me, I began to wonder "Why wouldn't we geeks want other people to enjoy the same things as us?" As long as they don't make the end product an awful mess, which from early appearances, this new Trek movie is not, then all we are doing is being elitist and exclusionary for the sake of being elitist and exclusionary and that is utterly pointless.
Syme: It may not serve a purpose that is good for the medium in question. As far as it has a point, it's just pride; in this case, pride in being one of the cognoscenti, a cut above the rest. If the inferiors can enjoy something, it no longer serves the purpose of proving one's superiority.
When I was an undergraduate majoring in music composition, I was determined to create "art for art's sake." Who cared if no one understood it? I had important things to say! It finally dawned on me after a few years that there is little good in having something something to say if no one understands it or wants to hear it. Talking exclusively to one's self is not generally considered healthy.
Of course, I don't say any of this to excuse things that are genuinely bad. I agree with you that as long as the end product is of good quality, it shouldn't matter how many people like it; the more the better I say. I certainly don't define "good quality" to mean something is only appreciated by a select few or has lived up to some supposed legacy.
Good point.
This behaviour commonly has more to do with the need people have to feel they are part of something 'special' or that they are 'on the know' and the rest of the world is not (the superiority aspect you mentioned), than a real or objective concern regarding the actual quality of subject X newest/upcoming iteration.
That's why so called 'fans' are willing to bash subject X upcoming iteration, without little or no knowledge of what said iteration will actually look like, the moment they feel that there's a chance it will please the masses.
Typical sub-culture mentality that always has problems when their private 'world' is depicted in a such way that creates a chance for 'everybody' to enjoy and get in on it.
Games, movies, music, art, fashion, trends, it's pretty much all the same.
Everybody needs to feel they're somehow special and being part of a 'closed' or sometimes even 'secret' social/cultural network that the rest of the world doesn't get it's a way for many peolpe to achieve that.
At least that's why i attend the weekly meetings at my Sorcerers Guild.