ashout: people think they know republicans, that we're all greedy heartless jerks who don't care about anything but getting rich.
couldn't be more wrong, many republicans are compassionate people who want to see this country thrive and not destroy itself by trying to give free stuff to everyone,
I think the problem is, the most vocal of you aren't the compassionate people who want to see this country thrive. The vocal ones, the ones in power really DO seem like they're in it for the money, power, and prestige.
I'd argue it's the same as the Democrats for the most part too. I don't think most people want to just give everything away, it's just a matter of giving people a boost when they need it most.
In fact, I think most people are really in the middle, Common sense people who don't want to give away handouts, but understand needing to offer a helping hand to get people on their feet when it's needed. I don't really think there are TRUE Democrats or Republicans, but people who believe in policies that range all over the spectrum.
But, the problem, like all things, are the vocals and the extremes. I highly doubt that everyone on welfare is like that example that people use of the Welfare abusers, although I know they exist. It's easy to paint and parade the extremists around because they're easily the vocal and easiest to point out.
Me...I'm more for Common Sense. That smart, honest choices either will work greatly, or at least give us a good idea of how to adjust without having to use a sledgehammer to change things constantly. I don't think either side is 100% right...but if you mix the right ideas, we can really get somewhere.