orcishgamer: Well this drink is to you then, for having any kind of faith at all!
Sorry, it's only Makers bourbon, but it's okay as bourbons go, and I don't make it whimpy by adding ice or anything.
I think we're fucked, personally, but hey, if I'm right, I've got an extra drink hear, swing by and we can watch the apocalypse together.
Fair enough :)
As to the convention speeches. I watched Obama's - I felt it was good, but not as good as Clinton's which I only watched because I heard such rave reviews of it and which lived up to the hype. Credit where credit is due, Clinton can turn a policy speech into a roaring political rally like no other. There's no getting away from it, the man is good. When he's on, he's on - and all other cliches that can be thought of.
Obama was inspiring and had the advantage of comparing himself directly to Romney's speech. But I felt, as usual in Obama's speeches, he was light on specifics. However, it was better in that regard than his other speeches though. One thing I dislike is when politicians talk about the man from wherever they met and use that drive some point home. Doing so once in awhile is fine, but all politicians evoke that refrain way too often and Obama does it too often as well. Frankly I find that annoying. Maybe I'm alone in that? It must be effective or I can't imagine politicians would keep doing it. The joke at the beginning of the speech, "this message brought to you by Barack Obama", was pretty good.
I didn't see Romney's so I can't compare. I understand it was fine, but overshadowed by Clint Eastwood's chair. If Obama is overshadowed by Clinton, I think he is in a better position.
Ah well - probably all nonsense. Any bump to be gained from these conventions will no doubt be ephemeral. There are many more weeks for each party to take quotes out of context, twist words, mangle facts, and outright lie with a press corps to let them get away with it until some meaningless debates.
orcishgamer: You know, is it just me, or is Romney every bit as unlikeable as Kerry was? I mean, is this the sacrificial candidate because they know they can't win this election? Romney seriously might be a fucking alien. Kerry might have been reanimated as the undead though, so I guess they're similarly un-fucking-relateable.
I am surprised by how poor the Republican field was. Barack Obama should be vulnerable and I would've thought their stars would've lined for the chance. I have a feeling the real reason is that most of them don't want the helm since continuing a path of recovery out of a recession is hard and if something goes wrong, you'll get the blame. It's safer to wait. Another reason is that Romney was the anointed one since he was the real main challenger for the last Republican primary. That's generally the way the Republicans pick their nominee - the main guy (not "fringe" candidate) to lose the last primary, wins the next primary. It's been their system for awhile as it keeps the chaos of the primary down and tries to avoid potentially damaging in-fighting. This was the first primary where that really got tested.