Shadowcat69: No, they're not. Must I bring up the annual women's deaths by eating disorder, body shaming comments on the internet in crushing majority directed towards women, same comments with slut shaming, general historical position of the feminine gender, etc etc etc to prove my point ?
I don't know what you're trying to prove with that comment but what you're actually proving is that women's issues get far more attention these days. You love talking about pressing issues, okay, let's move on to some possibly even more serious issues: cancer. Let's take a look at some statistics in the UK:
Breast cancer is the third most common cause of cancer deaths in the UK accounting for 7% of all cancer deaths (accounting for 15% of all cancer deaths among women).
Prostate cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer deaths in the UK accounting for 7% of all cancer deaths (accounting for 13% of all cancer deaths among men).
Which one gets FAR more media attention? Which of these two gets more FAR "awareness" programs and months/days? Clearly the breast cancer, doesn't it? Is that an issue regularly raised by huge groups of men who feel discriminated? No. Is that an issue that is deeply researched? No. Does it seem that both cancers are slowly beginning to get the same attention? I don't think so. And can it be that the fact that breast cancer gets several times the attention that prostate cancer gets may keep the awareness of prostate cancer so low that men underestimate the risk and people actually die because of that inequality in media coverage and research? I'm pretty positive that they do. A serious issue indeed.
What does that have to do with anything here? That even some of the most serious gender related issues are not treated the same way for both genders and just mentioning something like "annual women's deaths by eating disorder" is worth shit when women's issues of that kind clearly receive more attention and research than in case of men. It's pretty darn easy to keep track of cancer victims and yet there's no gender equality here (while according to the stats the issues are pretty much equally serious). Now, if already with something as easily traceable as cancer victims women receive more attention and research, what does that say about all the other "facts" which are much harder to research, require more funding to even get the basic numbers? Isn't it pretty clear that for instance eating disorders among men probably have much higher numbers than it seems but the issue just isn't as "pressing" (as you love to call it) and so nobody really cares or knows?
Let's throw in a few funny words and sentences: "Grow your penis six inches in two days!" "Get buffed in three weeks!" "Your penis to small? Get a penis pump!" All of these aggressively attack male sensitivities that are not nearly enough covered by research, men do destroy their bodies by popping pills manufactured by obscure companies or even applying devices like a penis pump which can permanently disfigure the area it was meant to improve. What are the numbers, what are the facts about the victims of these aggressive assaults on men's sensitivities? I don't friggin' know - what I also don't know is whether I "don't friggin' know" because the numbers are ridiculously small next to similar issues among women or because the same reasons which make breast cancer receive more attention than prostate cancer apply here as well. I think the latter.
Oh, and don't get me started on botched penis enlargement surgery where nobody has any idea of the numbers because the patients/victims don't dare admitting they were involved in such a procedure, because the social stigma of having a small penis is far worse than that of having small breasts - and something's telling me that more researchers and media people are trying to uncover botched boob jobs than botched dick jobs.
And no, I'm not trying to say that men have it worse. Frankly, I'm even okay with women receiving more attention in similar issues after they've been victimized and discriminated so much throughout history - but I am AWARE that they do receive more research and attention right now. And this also means that I am aware that when someone uses buzzwords like "eating disorder!", "breast cancer!", "beauty standards!" to raise the importance of women's issues over men's they don't really mean shit.