Posted June 02, 2013
Its more complicated with X-COM though. Normally mainstreaming, (or streamlining or whatever you want to call it) always results in an inferior product, even if it gets more people to play it. I'm not really willing to say that about the new XCOM. From what I can tell, its a great game. The simplifications all make a lot of sense beyond just appealing to a wider audience. The combat flows really well, and I love how much more cinematic it is. I cant say its inferior to the original. Its just a completely different game, with completely different gameplay. I decided I wasn't interested, and started keeping an eye on Xenonaughts instead. Xenonaughts just got added to steam by the way, but its early access. Its not the sort of game I'm willing to play an unfinished and unbalanced version of, especially if it means I have to pay to play that version.