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Note: I have no problem with anyone saying "don't call the mentally handicapped retarded." Given the definition I would actually say that would be super offensive, they are not holding back progress and shouldn't be treated as such. I wouldn't even have a problem with someone saying "never call people retarded." No problem!

What I have a problem with is treating the word as a slur, hence the thread title. It is not a slur just because it can be offensive. Bitch is not a slur, for example. Use the word appropriately and it should be fine.

It's the "r-word" bullshit I have a problem with.

Original post:

So sick of this kind of bullshit.

Retard has a meaning, it's application to those with a mental handicap perhaps not nice or even horrible but such an act does not change the word having a meaning completely outside of that. For those too lazy to dictionary it, here you go:
: to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : impede
Stop making up controversies and work on real fucking problems.
Post edited October 24, 2012 by StingingVelvet
Sort of reminds me how some people online now use "Autist" as an insult, without knowing what it actually is
I'm surprised anyone still pays any attention to Ann Coulter and her bitchy, childish rants these days.

When using MW as a reference, you need to quote the entire definition, namely the noun definition below what you quoted.

2 often offensive : a retarded person; also : a person held to resemble a retarded person in behavior.

The term has not been used in polite speech to refer to someone with a mental handicap for a while now. Its use as a professional terminus is long obsolete.
Roman5: Sort of reminds me how some people online now use "Autist" as an insult, without knowing what it actually is
You forget the best one: "gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay".
Post edited October 24, 2012 by jamyskis
It isn't a word I would generally use. Perhaps the greater issue is that not all people take the opportunity to increase their vocabulary. This ends up with many words being mis-represented.

It is the same in this country, everytime there is an election - I agree, the world has far greater problems, however it sadly shows that the speaker, did not take the time to consider that the speech may offend.
I'm probably too retarded to understand what this is all about, but what better way to tell people to stop making up controversies than by creating a rant thread on the GOG forums? ;)
jamyskis: The term has not been used in polite speech to refer to someone with a mental handicap for a while now. Its use as a professional terminus is long obsolete.
Bull-fucking-shit. I use it all the time to refer to things so backwards or broken they impede progress, which is EXACTLY WHAT THE WORD MEANS. I will not be told by you to stop using the word because some people pretend it doesn't mean what it means.
jamyskis: The term has not been used in polite speech to refer to someone with a mental handicap for a while now. Its use as a professional terminus is long obsolete.
StingingVelvet: Bull-fucking-shit. I use it all the time to refer to things so backwards or broken they impede progress, which is EXACTLY WHAT THE WORD MEANS. I will not be told by you to stop using the word because some people pretend it doesn't mean what it means.
'Scuse me? Did I tell you to stop using it? You quoted a dictionary to prove a point, I demonstrated that your source does not back your claim up.

Get off your high horse.
jamyskis: You forget the best one: "gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay".
At the risk of turning this thread into a "my favorite insult", I raise you sperglord.
When i was younger i was at a party and I used the term "retarted" meaning stupid and I had this lady bitch me out for like an hour. Granted my use of the word was childish but not taking into account intent and getting all offended was also childish.
Indeed, the word "Retard" can seriously hurt some folks.

When deciding what words you use, you need to be considerate of your audience and your habits.

I knew a gal who worked with the mentally challenged and she said "This homework is so retarded!" near one of her clients. The client was offended and she profusely apologized. But that was a habit that she had and she wished to break it.

However, many of us may be hanging out with some friends and nobody would be offended by the word. It may or may not be appropriate to use it there -- you'd have to know your friends. But the word has a history of being used for some pretty wicked things, so many folks are hurt by it.

And as jamyskis said, when you use a noun and you only consider the definition of the verb, you may be missing a whole aspect of the word.

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It was once titled "The Retard," but I changed it b/c it hurt some folks. It makes more sense with that title b/c of the journey of the main character, but I don't want to injure anyone with careless speech. Especially when all I have to do is simply say a different word.
jamyskis: 'Scuse me? Did I tell you to stop using it? You quoted a dictionary to prove a point, I demonstrated that your source does not back your claim up.

Get off your high horse.
First off merriam-webster does not include your definition. Secondly I was responding to you saying use of the word is obsolete, it is not, I use it all the time. Thirdly if you can't take a debate stay out of the kitchen.

Retard is a slur the same way "Negro" of "Gypsy" is a slur.

It might have been accepted at one time, but the continuous derogatory usage has shape the meaning.

The same as the swastika. Sure, it is some kind of hindu symbol. But I still wouldn't put it on my yoga-teacher business card.
Tallima: Indeed, the word "Retard" can seriously hurt some folks.

When deciding what words you use, you need to be considerate of your audience and your habits.

I knew a gal who worked with the mentally challenged and she said "This homework is so retarded!" near one of her clients. The client was offended and she profusely apologized. But that was a habit that she had and she wished to break it.
This is the exact problem however. It hurt the person because they were 1) ignorant of the word's definitions and uses, and 2) eager to be offended. Saying a piece of homework is retarded is a perfect use of the word as defined, the homework is so backwards and pointless it impeded learning.

I don't think we should mold and shape our language and culture around ignorance.
Post edited October 24, 2012 by StingingVelvet
Oh, well if you use it ...

It is a slur; it is not used in polite speech, and it is not used by the medical community. Words change all the time; things that were once offensive aren't any more, and things that weren't, are.

I mean, the dictionary tells you it's offensive, the people around you are telling you it's offensive, what the heck else do you want?
Post edited October 24, 2012 by BadDecissions
StingingVelvet: <snip>
*Sigh* You seem bitter. I'll just leave this here with a friendly pointer to scroll down to the second item from whence I copied and pasted said quote.