Coelocanth: Taste being subjective, my point stands. You can talk about bad taste all you want, but it boils down to opinion only. Just because the majority may agree with you doesn't make it any less opinion.
I hate (to address a point Summit made) Britney Spears as much as the next person with 'taste', but it doesn't make my opinion any more valid than someone who loves Spears. With apologies to your wife, Summit, her taste isn't any more valid than anyone else's, no matter how much of her life she's spent studying music.
Perhaps then, the problem lies not in having different opinions/tastes, persay, but in having an "unconsidered" opinion. If you (to take your Spears example) can *explain to me* why you like her music, then that's fine. If on the other hand you couldn't tell me why, I might take it with a grain or two of salt.
This thread's a good example, people here on both sides of the Oblivion issue, and both having long, detailed arguments for their opinions. That's good, that way everybody gets my respect, even if I don't agree with them.
Maybe a Socrates paraphrase will work:
"The unexamined (game/music/book/movie/opinion) is not worth (playing/listening/reading/watching/advocating)"
Okay that's a bit clunky, and all this may be obvious to everyone but me already, but that's my $0.02.