HomerSimpson: I am completely lacking in image editing skills. In fact, I'm pretty much a dunce when it comes to computers in general. I am, however, able to come up with the decent bacground idea or two. You know, the sort of window dressing that isn't critical to a world or storyline, but whose existence enriches the setting and allows for future possibilities of expansion.
You can join the idea pool then along with rohan, who is also going to help with settings and the like as the story goes on.
Basically(TO ALL) the game will be people writing their stories in the world as the main storyline and setting is made by me. There won't be much inventory or dungeons of the tabletop variety requiring stats and rolls to go through but I might add events and locations and such to make the game more interesting.
Hmm, anyone else who's joined that's good with drawing, even just better than my MSPaint skills? :\