GameRager: Map is done and will be up in an hour or so. I've been a lazy bugger but I hope that the delays and such will be worth the wait. All those still interested post once if possible during the next few hours so I can gauge interest currently with a Yay or Nay. A bit after the map my intro post will come(along with some basic info about the game setting merged into storyline so as to make the basic gist available to all at the start.) in a new thread for roleplay in-character posts only.
So again, and in summary: Map posted in 1-2 hours from now....during which time current signups are asked to confirm or deny if they are still interested.
Game intro post will be written up and posted shortly after(within 5-6 hours from now at most.) containing my character's intro post which will itself contain various bits to get new players into the basic setting and ready for roleplay....this will be posted in a new, in-character only roleplay thread.
I will then ask all playing/writing to write their character Bio infos and post them here(full character sheet with name, age, race, etc other basic infos and a general bit about their history.), and for them to also start writing their intro story posts which they will then be able to post in the soon to be created roleplay thread.