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As always, I suggest the classic Paranoia RPG.
You mentioned Weird West. If you're not already familiar with it, I can recommend Deadlands. It's a setting for the aforementioned Savage Worlds rather than a game in itself; the original, "Classic" version was its own game (from which Savage Worlds is ultimately derived) but that version is long out of print (though the publisher sells it as PDFs) and I've never played it, so can't comment. The Savage Worlds version is known as Deadlands Reloaded.

I can't say too much about the setting without spoilers, but it combines classic Western tropes (and characters) with pervasive fantasy-horror elements (which the authorities try to keep secret from the pubic) and steampunk-ish mad scientists. The game world is very well written and there's an expansive and intriguing meta-plot.

There are also two spin-off settings - Deadlands: Hell on Earth, a post-apocalyptic future, and Deadlands Noir, covering the 'hardboiled' and film noir periods (Noir is the newest one; it didn't exist in Classic). There was a fourth, Deadlands: Lost Colony, which was the Weird West in space, but there isn't a Reloaded version (yet).

I also recommend the Savage Worlds system in general, though I can't comment on any other published settings as Deadlands is the only one I've played.
Darvond: As always, I suggest the classic Paranoia RPG.
From the OP's post, it looks like he may only be playing with one other person. If so, OP, don't play Paranoia, it really doesn't work without at least three players, plus a gm. If you do have a reasonably sized group, then failure to get Paranoia is treasonous activity and punishable by brainscrubbing.
Guys, thanks so much for the great discussion and the many awesome suggestions so far!

joriandrake: some well known:

World of Darkness

In the forum here, I myself just recently got to know of "Risus", and really like what you can make with it, plus it looks simple
Durance sounds interesting for the GM-less approach and also the grim setting of an outcast colony; the ability to generate your own planet and colony sounds great. Reminds me of playing Awaiting the End (a free one-sheet Fiasco-like affair) a couple of weeks ago while on a train ride and we struggled to come up with conflicts that'd fit that particular dialog-style structure. But I haven't given up on that one yet.

Stumbled upon that Risus thread a while ago, sure looks like a generic system that's fairly easy to get into alright.
pi4t: From the OP's post, it looks like he may only be playing with one other person. If so, OP, don't play Paranoia, it really doesn't work without at least three players, plus a gm. If you do have a reasonably sized group, then failure to get Paranoia is treasonous activity and punishable by brainscrubbing.
Then I suppose it would be fatal to suggest FATAL as a joke?
chevkoch: Pathfinder I've played a game before, it felt like a DnD-style dungeon crawl (not bad at that).
rtcvb32: Well, Pathfinder is D&D 3rd edition (D20), except with updated rules since WotC kinda threw it away to go with 4th Edition. Safe to say that didn't do too well. Had 4th been a real computer MMO or had a faster rule set it could have done better for miniature wargames. But I'm not really here to nit-pick at what 4th Edition failed to be, and now what 5th Edition will fail to be. I don't recommend either system, although i've played little of either, what i did play of 4th felt... odd.. and 5th i've seen review basically of what the system is and it feels too simplistic in order to be fast.
Only watched the Penny Arcade team play one of the newer DnD versions and the whole experience seemed utterly lifeless to me, I was asking myself, how come they appear to be really enjoying this? I don't get it.

chevkoch: EDIT: nvm I can't seem to post right tonight, urgh.

The setting is deliciously dark, I really like it. But the dice army you gotta manage...

Human Occupied Landfill? Hahaha, brilliant! I gotta find this.
CarrionCrow: Alongside that, other suggestions include Paranoia, Feng Shui, Unknown Armies and Don't Rest Your Head.
Seriously, HOL. I've looked on Ebay, but these prices... Well, sooner or later. Maybe I'll go to Spiel in Essen again next year and look there. This year they had lots of obscure titles.

Paranoia, maybe that's not my taste of weird; although one never knows before you've gone through a game session. The focus on competition is not something that would draw me to it really.

Feng Shui, haha, I've been wanting to play some movie Kung Fu game for a long while! I quote one faction which has me hooked already: "The Eaters of the Lotus are a group of evil eunuch sorcerers from the China of 69 AD." Sweet XD. And at character creation I saw some dude named "Big Bruiser". Love it already. Running a Chinese Ghost Story-type game would be fantastic.

Unknown Armies, looks cool too. Particularly, the madness meter system and how it lets you chart your descent into insanity.

Don't Rest Your Head, added that to my wishlist for serious consideration. The blurb alone did that.

Azilut: If you don't want to stray too far from BRP but are looking for an alternative to the usual Cthulhu settings, you might consider Delta Green. Basically, it mixes Call of Cthulhu with paranoid UFO conspiracy theories and all sorts of other craziness, and has the players as members of a rogue government agency working against the madness. This simultaneously solves the "why are these characters all doing this?" problem while avoiding the "I call in a nuclear strike on Innsmouth" issue you might otherwise get with government agents. I believe there are BRP and D20 versions currently out there, with a new version with it's own unique rules system due out in the near future.

In recent years, I've also been becoming increasingly fond of "minimalist" RPGs with very simple rulesets that are intended more as a general guide to play than a crunchy mechanics system - for example, stuff like Inspectres (think: Ghostbusters the RPG) or Fiasco (think: Guy Ritchie movie the RPG) or even Lasers And Feelings (a free-to-play sci-fi game which literally has only one stat, but still works surprisingly well for one-shot sessions).

I haven't played Cthulhutech, but I did read through the manual a few years back, and I wasn't very impressed. The theme sounded awesome, but it turned out that the setting takes itself waaaaaay too seriously for my tastes. (I was expecting more of a Pacific Rim kind of thing, but instead it's taking its cues from super-angsty mecha anime about morose pale-skinned teenagers with floppy hair who constantly whine about the responsibilities imposed on them. Which might be a plus if you're into that, but personally I'm not.) Worse still, the dice system just seemed needlessly complicated and was not something I felt like learning.
I'm aware of Delta Green and love its setting. Not played a game, but have read the "Strange Authorities" and "Through a Glass, Darkly
" novels, alas was not impressed with the quality of writing. But the theme is perfect.

InSpectres, haha, that's my type of fun too I'd say. And the unique dice mechanic/narration engine peaks my interest also. Who you gonna call, and all that :)

Fiasco I know and have played one or two games which were mad fun.

Lasers and Feelings, dude, one statistic with Lasers on one end and Feelings on the other? o_O Free, one page only? I'll download that instantly.

EDIT: Thanks for the heads-up regarding CthulhuTech, sounds like I'd feel the same about that system then. Will glance at it nevertheless, but your impressions are discouraging already.
Post edited November 30, 2014 by chevkoch
Love Fiasco, I recall at least one game we played, the Antarctica Base location plot. Rampant drug and alcohol use, incompetent use of information technology, cthuloid infestation, undead sled dogs.

Traveller, I own the Mongoose (I think) limited edition hardcover rulebook that says "13M-2011" on the spine. A great edition, lots of nice color illustrations. Haven't run a game yet to be honest, as with so many likely worthwhile RPGs, it looked like a lot of work to get into. I've been thinking about it again lately, when I looked at Cthonian Stars which is a lovecraftian Sci-Fi Horror setting using the Traveller ruleset apparently. Something to consider.

Wow, thanks for all the material you listed! Great stuff. I looked at all you suggested and particularly, Interface Zero I have my eyes on, hearing Kurt Wiegel talk about it, might be just what I dig too.

Yeah, anything metagame players need to fuss with, I'm a bit skeptical about as well, as I'm always afraid the rule mechanics will creep to the forefront and the drama and atmosphere of a scene will go puff!
Post edited November 30, 2014 by chevkoch
chevkoch: A friend and I came into some store credit on DriveThruRGP, which we wonder how to spend best now.

We do play/love Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu and generally gravitate towards genres like Sci-Fi, Supernatural/Horror, Weird West, Cyberpunk (but don't fancy Shadowrun). Mechanics-wise, the BRP ruleset of Cthulhu we enjoy, as it's quite non-intrusive; we like to focus on storytelling/roleplaying, and are not interested in heavy number crunching or enormous dice pools that need to be raked across the table.

I'm already loosely looking at , [url=]CthulhuTech and The Void which caught my eye just because of the themes they carry.

But these are just some pointers, really. Please feel free to suggest anything you are excited about/you'd recommend getting. Thanks for any input!
chevkoch: Wow, thanks for all the material you listed! Great stuff. I looked at all you suggested and particularly, Interface Zero I have my eyes on, hearing Kurt Wiegel talk about it, might be just what I dig too.
I was trying very hard to go only for the dice-light kinda games, but now that everyone's just throwing everything out there.. here's another free (public domain) game: Talislanta.
More swords & sorcery stuff, at the very least it might give you some ideas should you ever run a similar game.
Haha, I once experienced a boost in spreadsheet wizardry myself when building a Call of Cthulhu character creation tool in Calc (OpenOffice). Cool that in particular helped you in securing a job. Love that Car Wars vehicle construction option, should be a game we'd definitely enjoy.

Cheers, I'm just not sure that with Paranoia we'd dig the apparent competitive focus... Perhaps just paranoid (sorry) about this :)

I'm aware of Deadlands, I looked at the general background story before and have some pdfs of the classic version. Not played it. Love the setting. I figure the Savage Worlds ruleset should make it more accessible... Hell on Earth, a post-apocalyptic issue? Didn't know about that! Thanks for putting Reloaded on the map for me!

We usually are three guys getting together for sessions (alas not as often as we'd want due to life etc.) OK, will try to evade brainscrubbing then :)

We played a game of Werewolf once, which had all the right supernaturally dark ingredients - but the dice pool management I wasn't a fan of. I assume that mechanic is true for all White Wolf games?

Not so much into fantasy, but this seems a feature-rich contender alright (80 different character types in the handbook? Wow.) Thanks though, this thread I'll use as a resource for a while I'm sure :)
Post edited November 30, 2014 by chevkoch
I am going to be off topic and say that Nights of pen and paper was a fun game!!. On topic wise I never got to play a pen paper rpg since no one around me ever was interested:/
saith32: I am going to be off topic and say that Nights of pen and paper was a fun game!!. On topic wise I never got to play a pen paper rpg since no one around me ever was interested:/
Saith, it isn't the same as gathering with a group of friends, but there are forums where you can join via the internet pnp games, like
saith32: I am going to be off topic and say that Nights of pen and paper was a fun game!!. On topic wise I never got to play a pen paper rpg since no one around me ever was interested:/
joriandrake: Saith, it isn't the same as gathering with a group of friends, but there are forums where you can join via the internet pnp games, like
I may try it. I would probably break the vibe noobing it all up though.
joriandrake: Saith, it isn't the same as gathering with a group of friends, but there are forums where you can join via the internet pnp games, like
saith32: I may try it. I would probably break the vibe noobing it all up though.
Just be very specific on that you're a beginner, then you will get help
saith32: I may try it. I would probably break the vibe noobing it all up though.
joriandrake: Just be very specific on that you're a beginner, then you will get help
I would have to find the proper lore for me though.