It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Navagon: Sorry, but there's no way I can put it nicely. That's just dumb. As in 'special' dumb.

I think that if you want to be the voice of the people you're going to need to do at least two things better. Firstly you're going to have to do a better job of actually understanding what the general public response is. Secondly you're actually going to have to put forward your opinions in an intelligent and agreeable manner that takes into account the views expressed.

You on the other hand have simply thrown out your own opinion without even bothering to do so much as to write "you" properly and thought it would carry moe weight if you claimed everyone thinks the same. They don't.
if u would have read with attention my thoughts, u would have understood the strict logic behind:
meudoland: if u GOG starts to publish NEW games, im not going to buy them immediately, because, as said, i look for OLD games.
that sentence makes reference to the previous:
meudoland: what do i mean for OLD game?
a game in a definitive version, that is to say, the most bug-free possible version.
in any case, english for me is a second language, so this is the best i can do, sorry.
Post edited November 19, 2011 by meudoland
Stuff: Dear GOG,

Release every DRM free game you can regardless of release year. Thanks . . . =)
Ultimately I think that's the best policy. Sort of like a DRM-free, one price Gamersgate. GOG need to up their game when it comes to compatibility though. I don't know right now if this new policy is going to help or hinder that.
meudoland: in any case, english for me is a second language, so this is the best i can do, sorry.
Don't give me that. Take a look at where people in this forum are from. Many, if not most have English as a second language here and not one of them feel some cultural obligation to type 'you' as 'u'. The point is: if you want to represent the masses then you've got to do a good job of it or ultimately you're going to get torn apart and undermine the very things you stand for in doing so. If that sounds like too much effort then you now know why most people only speak for themselves and don't claim to speak for others.

As for the 'new games when they're old': the problem is that they'll have been introduced to GOG when they're new. They're a part of what you see as the problem and this is not something that will diminish with time. Sure, you could argue that you're buying them when they should have been released on GOG, but the simple truth of the matter is that they weren't. A proper boycott of those titles would render them unpurchasable at any point in the future.
Post edited November 19, 2011 by Navagon
Dear GOG, be the place to go where I can get DRM free games that have a flat global price and some extras are always nice. I think there needs to be a place that does it, and if you want to expand out a bit it’s the perfect root for you to go down.

If you don’t want to buy the newer games you don’t have to. It’s perfectly fine if you only ever buy the older games, nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile there are a fair number of people who would like the newer games to.

I think people are worried a bit to much that they will just forget about older games and screw us over. I have more fear that the community will over react if GOG, at any point, have a gap where they don't have any older games scheduled to be released but it happens they do have a few newer ones. I don't think GOG will stop releasing older games till the day they run out, or rather run out of those willing to hand the older games over.
xyem: I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet (at least, I haven't seen it).

Newer games, in theory, should be much easier to get working in the newer version of Windows because.. well.. they will likely be written for them. Also, more likely to have access to the source code means the developers/publishers/GOG can nice and cleanly remove the DRM.

This means there should be very little (in comparison to older games) overhead in getting the newer games ready for release... but they will result in increased revenue for GOG.

Increased revenue == more people able to work at GOG == more people to get the older games working.

So it is possible that those concerned with a decrease in focus on old games find that the exact opposite happens. Releases of old games may very well ramp up! :)

Personally, I think the more games GOG sells (following their principles) the better :)
THIS! Xyem strikes again. In my opinion, once GOG proves they can handle newer releases and proves to hard to get publishers that they can make them a few more bucks, the back catalogues could also very well fly open as well. Which means, increased likelihood for publishers who have yet to come aboard.

The rest of it, I think xyem nailed right on the head. Increased revenue = increased profitability = the ability to expand in both categories, offering MORE service and eventually, MORE products. My only real fear is that the community changes and/or GOG has explosive growth that they can't keep up with.

Otherwise, I'm excited about the possibilities that could come with the advent of the announcement, for both old games AND new. :D
Are people really worried that the worst of the Steam forums and the like will come here and spoil the community? The number of "no steam, no sale" comments I see around the web make me dubious. :/
i think the matter is simpler than how it seems (i will use the term "we", please do not get offended).
why are we here?
because we dont like new games.
why dont we like new games?
because: a) we dont like to play bug-infested games;
b) we dont like to spend $ 30-50 for a game.

im sure that 90% of the people here think the same.

the community here is formed by games lovers, experienced enough to understand that awesome graphics doesnt mean good game, and not by f****g console-minded zombies.

and GOG, at the moment, offers exactly what every games lover desires: a mature game (patched, expanded, etc.) for a right price.

i dont want to remark too much the DRM-free policy, because, as i already said at the beginning of this thread, i consider it right with regard to any kind of online check system, but undue about any kind of offline check system (ie passwords).
Post edited November 19, 2011 by meudoland
It's too early to speculate anything right now based on current circumstances. GOG hasn't released much info at the moment. They only stated they gonna add "newer" games to the catalogue. But who know by "newer" it mean day one release or just 1 - 2 years old video game..
meudoland: ...
A better way of putting it would be "we like old games". You really do need to follow the age old advice of 'lurk more'. You'll see that there is plenty of interest in new games in the forums here.

Again, you need to actually understand what people think before you can claim to speak for them.

I think you're the first person who has stated that they will not play a game unless it is of a certain age. Playing games of a certain era is one thing. But to say you won't play 2011 games until 2016 is just crazy. Games don't age like wine - with the possible exception of those that are substantially patched and modified. But that's beside the point. Most aren't.

As for bug-infested games. True, that's not a good trait for any game. But some of people's favourite games here seem to be those that are rough around the edges. Take the Fallout series, Bloodlines and even KOTOR 2 as examples.

Old games aren't necessarily more polished. They're just simpler, which means less can go wrong with them. Then of course there's the fact that you've already forgotten about most of the broken old games of yesteryear and only remember the finest examples.

Games have larger budgets now and we're seeing a lot less in the way of mangled, unplayable crap. Even the bad ports we get now aren't as bad as the PSX ports we used to get.
From the concept of GOG to making the Witcher games, everything they have done has worked. They do have to grow as a company and if this helps revenue, I'm for it as long as they still have a focus on classic games, and the newer games are truly DRM free
meudoland: im sure that 90% of the people here think the same.
You're making so many assumptions about the majority of the community it's laughable. A lot of us are here for exactly the reasons you claim we aren't here. Regardless of whether you think DRM is "okay" a lot of us do not. The lack of DRM and focus on treating the customer as a valued person (instead of like shit as so many companies do) is why we're here.

I like new games fine, if you've been on this forum the amount of activity Diablo 3 and Skyrim type threads get should convince you that you're actually in the minority on this point.

If price is your boggle and you don't mind DRM, Steam sells lots of cheap games, new and old, it's sort of odd that you reject that as an option when you seem okay with their methods.

Even so, I don't give a damn if a game costs 60 bucks, if it's that good I'll pay it. Some games I will pay less for, that's my decision, and there's plenty of games for me to play until game X hits the price point I'm willing to pay. The only strong feeling about prices I've sensed on GOG is that people not paying in the almighty USD are happy as hell that GOG doesn't ream them on price in their currency.

Buggy new games? Sure, some are, especially anything by Bethesda, New Vegas was still an awesome game though and I'd have missed out not having played it. Beyond that I buy lots of console titles and few of them actually have any serious issues whatsoever. You cannot blanket categorize all new games as "buggy", or any other kind of inferior for that matter, because it's demonstrably bullshit.

Now I do agree with you that awesome graphics doesn't make a great game, but that doesn't mean having them automatically makes the game utter crap. Both new and old games can be great and they can both suck complete ass. There's some GOG titles that I think are the some of the worst travesties of gaming history. There's nothing magical about new titles or old titles in this regard.

I don't know if you're simply intentionally misrepresenting this community or if you've simply projected your own feelings onto it. Regardless of the answer, I suspect you're completely wrong about the majority of this community. As far as 90% of the community agreeing with you, that's laughable, GOG does do surveys and there is a lot of forum activity that shows you're most likely very wrong about that number.
Post edited November 19, 2011 by orcishgamer
meudoland: and GOG, at the moment, offers exactly what every hardcore gamer desires: a mature game (patched, expanded, etc.) for a right price.
In what universe? Most "Hardcore gamers" only play a game for it's first 1week - 2 months of release HG's are the early adopters they don't give a crap about patches etc unless they're for hard crashes and/or extra maps to play on a game they enjoyed when it came out. Right now Skyrim, AC:R, COD:MW3 and BF3 are the huge games in a month or so it'll be TOR then possibly the darkness 2, Syndicate.. ME3... XCOM... and so on.

HG's don't care about most things aslong as they get their gaming fix
meudoland: and GOG, at the moment, offers exactly what every hardcore gamer desires: a mature game (patched, expanded, etc.) for a right price.
wodmarach: In what universe? Most "Hardcore gamers" only play a game for it's first 1week - 2 months of release HG's are the early adopters they don't give a crap about patches etc ...
HG's don't care about most things aslong as they get their gaming fix
mmh right, that word was unfitting, fixed now.
Post edited November 20, 2011 by meudoland
meudoland: i think the matter is simpler than how it seems (i will use the term "we", please do not get offended).
why are we here?
because we dont like new games.
why dont we like new games?
because: a) we dont like to play bug-infested games;
b) we dont like to spend $ 30-50 for a game.

im sure that 90% of the people here think the same.

the community here is formed by games lovers, experienced enough to understand that awesome graphics doesnt mean good game, and not by f****g console-minded zombies.

and GOG, at the moment, offers exactly what every games lover desires: a mature game (patched, expanded, etc.) for a right price.

i dont want to remark too much the DRM-free policy, because, as i already said at the beginning of this thread, i consider it right with regard to any kind of online check system, but undue about any kind of offline check system (ie passwords).
Would you please stop presuming to know what all of us like or want? First off, you're wrong. Secondly, it makes you come off like a douchebag.

I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of people on this site DO regularly play games that are newer than 3 years old. I'd also be willing to say the majority of people DO regularly buy brand new games and play them. I'm basing both of those off of looking at what games people talk about here, and seeing what they're playing through Steam and Raptr popups of people from this community that I'm friends with through those applications. You just seem to be presuming the opposite based on what you wish to be fact.

I hate to break this to you, but there were just as many completely garbage games released 'back in the day'. There were just as many completely broken games released, too, as well as ones sent to market months before they were close to being ready. You're just looking back with rose coloured glasses and forgetting those in favor of the good stuff. It's what people do.
diorj: From the concept of GOG to making the Witcher games, everything they have done has worked. They do have to grow as a company and if this helps revenue, I'm for it as long as they still have a focus on classic games, and the newer games are truly DRM free
in fact, unlike my habits, i bought Witcher 2 on its release to support GOG...
Navagon: ...
I think you're the first person who has stated that they will not play a game unless it is of a certain age. Playing games of a certain era is one thing. But to say you won't play 2011 games until 2016 is just crazy. Games don't age like wine - with the possible exception of those that are substantially patched and modified. But that's beside the point. Most aren't.
im sorry, but yes, i think that games do age like wine (and i know that well as im italian :P ) and i say that considering also the high price of new games..
i know that i get cursed by publishers, developers, but there is always someone else who helps them to pay the mortgage..

Navagon: Old games aren't necessarily more polished. They're just simpler, which means less can go wrong with them. Then of course there's the fact that you've already forgotten about most of the broken old games of yesteryear and only remember the finest examples.
what does it matter? every new game becomes then old. i didnt say that i do rely on games of a specific era..

Navagon: Games have larger budgets now and we're seeing a lot less in the way of mangled, unplayable crap. Even the bad ports we get now aren't as bad as the PSX ports we used to get.
good for u!
Post edited November 20, 2011 by meudoland