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ryanflucas: Yes, the 1989 arcade game, not the new released APB.
Right on! Thanks for reminding me of this game! I'd completely forgotten about it. I love this game!

(+shout-out bump-rep)
Red Faction (PC)

-Intense single-player and multi-player modes
-The original GEO-MOD engine allows you to drill and blast your way through certain materials, allowing for a whole new level of gameplay!
I would love to see Seven Games of the Soul (released as Faust in Europe). Here's a ten minute clip of the opening

I love point and click adventures, and spanning all years, eras, and styles, this remains one of my favorites of all time. You play an elderly black man named Marcellus Faust tasked with exploring the ruins of a depression era theme park. There seven (technically eight, but seven is close enough) people died at that park via means less than natural. Mephistopheles makes you responsible for determining if these seven and a half souls should be sent "Up or down".

The game sports an amazing soundtrack that can actually be listened to from the menu (and I can confirm there have been times when I loaded the game up just to listen to the songs), and even more important, it boasts one of the best stories and some of the best story telling I've seen in an adventure game. Technically the game tells seven stories, but they are tightly woven together with a master arc, and while they start off almost as standard grotesque fair, they gradually grow deeper and more powerful. The final of the seven smaller stories actually has the power to get me all misty eyed.

The graphics may not be up to stuff, especially compared to modern games, but I do like the style, and the voice acting ranges from okay to astounding. Particularly the voice acting done for Mephistopheles is brilliant, and sells the character beautifully from the beginning where he's the classic satanic character to the end where, well, there's something of a twist.

So here's hoping I've sold you on it.

- Legacy of Kain series (especially the first blood omen)
- Little Big Adventure 1 & 2
- Crusader, no remorse / no regret
- Final Fantasy 7
- G-Police
- The Dig
- Broken sword 1 (best of the series, only 2 and 3 on site)
- Dark Earth
- Theme Park
- Stunts
- Test driver
- X-wing vs Tie-fighter
- Strife
- Sopwith (1984, I know it's too old to make any chance :-D)
- Half-life 1
- Winter games (Probably too old...)
- Velocity
- Street Fighter 1 & 2
Another good one is Normality by Interplay/Gremlin.
Post edited October 12, 2010 by ryanflucas
Wing Commander Series
Crusader No Remorse / No Regret
Theme Hospital
Solar Winds
Must haves:
Discworld II: Missing presumed?
Discworld Noir.
Gold Box series.
Eye of the Beholder series.
Other SSI RPGs :)
Wing Commander Series.
Ultima Series.
f22 adf
rainbow six rogue spears
shellshock vietnam
I've mentioned Resident Evil 1-3 in this thread before, but there's something else that GOG simply has to add to its catalog.

Resident Evil 1-3
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (PC-DVD version)
-The epic conclusion to the Journeyman Project trilogy.
-Make use of the new Chameleon Jumpsuit and assume the identities of whoever you see.
-Travel to three mythical locations and correct the time resonances that have freed an ancient, destructive race from imprisonment.
-Explore each environment in full 360-degree freedom.
-Contains enhanced MPEG-2 quality graphics, video, and audio.

The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime (Playstation, Macintosh)
-A re-imagining of the original Journeyman Project.
-New gameplay and graphics.
-Improved, dynamic soundtrack.
-Newly-added in-game help system.
I'd absolutely love to see the Uprising series, Uprising: Join or Die and Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy which were made by Cyclone Studios and published by 3DO, on here.
It's impossible to play them properly on todays OS's which is an absolute shame since I'd like to relive my experience with these games again.
Battle Isle 3. It seems impossible to obtain the full version with all the video cut-scenes.
Larry series
Police Quest Series
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Harvester (1996)
System Shock 2
Theme Park
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe
Dungeon Keeper (1 and 2)
Link 386 Pro/CD version with all the old and extra courses! Let's show EA a true golf game. That and bobcatt caddie was just so awesome. Shame my copy dissapeared ;_;