darthvader39560: Again, I apologize for nercroing a old thread, but I'm curious. Why do girls never start conversations? Its strange. I wait about 1-2 days in between every conversation I have with this girl so she doesn't get suspicious, and once we start talking she gets pretty talkative, but she never starts a conversation with me. I don't get it.
DAlancole: Because they don't have to.
Now that I think of it, it takes a lot more to get a woman to make an advance on a man than vice versa because as you put it they don't have to. Oddly enough, I don't believe I've ever been on a date, but I have been proposed to and I have had women chat me up. I just wasn't able to comprehend that it was happening because I wasn't expecting it to happen.
The more desirable a man is, and the more difficult he's perceived to be to get, the more likely it is for women to go for it. Personally, I don't recommend going that route as it's a high risk one, unless one is obscenely good looking and powerful. And then the women going for it, might well be exactly the opposite of what you're going for.
Ryan333: I got married in my early 30's and didn't really date seriously until my late 20's. And while I dated a couple girls before getting married (nothing serious or for very long), my wife was "my first" -- if you catch my meaning. Technically that was by choice, but only one of my relationships ever progressed to the point where there ever was a choice. :)
Depending on your education and career path, a lot of people are putting off serious relationships until later in life nowadays. That was my case -- while I wasn't opposed to the idea of romance, I was just too busy to put much thought and energy into it and meaningless one-night stands didn't appeal to me. It did have a nice side effect -- by the time I started seriously dating I was well established in my career, felt pretty confident in myself, was very stable financially and had a solid idea of where I wanted to go with my life. I might not have been the hottest guy out there, but having had the time to develop those qualities made me pretty darn appealing to "the right kind of girl."
And no, waiting until later does not necessarily mean you miss all the good ones. My wife is extremely beautiful (former model), a total sweet-heart and a girl-gamer as icing on the cake. Score one for the geeks!
23 is far from being beyond hope. My best advice it to quit thinking about it -- just go about living and enjoying life. At some point, you'll meet someone who enjoys the same things you do. When you meet the right person, it will be pretty darn obvious.
Now that I've accepted that hitting on women in person isn't my forte, assuming I can even find one that's single. I've noticed that I do get women approaching me online that are interested. And even when they don't, having a clear indication that they think they might be interested, makes it a lot easier for me to justify trying to chat them up, as I at least know there's some chance of something happening, rather than passing up women that might be interested for the one that's not.
I'm also noticing that at 33, I'm still young enough to attract women in their 20s, but I regularly get women my age and a bit older trying to chat me up. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance giving them a fair shot against wasting their time. I find both possibilities to be rather suboptimal.