soulgrindr: But, i guess if you told me 6 months ago that everyone would be going nuts for adventure games, i'd never have believed it. So maybe it's what's needed to revive the flight-sim/space-sim genre?
If you build it, they will come... Unless its got stupid DRM
Aliasalpha: XWA had a single player expansion called Balance Of Power which really added a lot to the game, I picked up both cheaply because I wanted the single player part and it was really quite good.
soulgrindr: Really? I thought Balance of Power was an XvT expansion. I don't remember them ever releasing an expansion for XWA.... which would have been good, as the story in XWA just
stopped! They were clearly hinting at an expansion to continue the story... but never made one (afaik).
Crap! Sorry it is XvT, just got used to typing XWA. I agree that it was a product before its time but having had a good long talk to a mate about a new XW/TF game, we thought you could very well do it on consoles and lose very little. Just thinking about the layout of the xbox pad here but:
left stick: craft movement
right stick: view movement (click for enemy padlock)
right trigger: lasers (+RB: Switch weapons)
left trigger: warheads (+RB: switch warheads)
left bumper: Wingman order modifier
right bumper: Command modifier
dpad up: speed up (+LB: Attack my target) (+RB: Shields full forward)
dpad down: speed down (+LB: Defend my target) (+RB: shields full back)
dpad left: previous target (+LB: attack targetted system) (+RB: weapon energy to shields)
dpad right: next target (+LB: defend me) (+RB: shield energy to weapons)
A: Select target under reticle (+LB: Ignore target) (+RB: Select newest or select objective)
B: next target (+LB: evade) (+RB: previous target)
Y: next subsystem (+LB: Wingmen leave) (+RB: hyperspace)
X: Match target speed (+RB: call support)
Back: Map
Start: Menu
Seems to be most of the commands with an admittedly somewhat clunky interface but I think it'd be pretty damn playable that way.