langurmonkey: I edited my previous post to you but I will just copy and paste the new stuff here. I have no personal experience with such people so I could be wrong. What I'm saying is based on what I've seen on TV(shows like Gangland) and what is written on some websites. Sure, some people will lose respect for you if you push back against someone weaker. I am not one of those people. Because I don't think being weaker than someone, gives you a free pass to attack people. I'm no Kung Fu master so I'm a lot weaker than such a person. If I go up to such a person, insult them for no reason, I fully expect to get my ass kicked. And I deserved it. And I would lose a lot of respect for the Kung Fu master if he just stood there and took my abuse. And based on what I've seen in TV shows about 1%ers, they find it okay to attack weaker people too if those people show them disrespect. They basically have a no disrespect policy. There is a reason, people see them as bad guys, not good guys. Hells Angels has 1%ers and normal guys who just love that biker lifestyle. So HAMC is both.

JMich: So again, you project on others what you would do.
I do associate with a few local HAMC, though mostly through common friends. I've been on concerts where they provided security, traded jokes and insults with them, and I've seen how they act. The only time they will push back is if there is a chance they (or the club) will lose face. But attacking someone weaker than them is also going to make them lose face.
As for the Kung Fu master, he wouldn't kick your ass. The first thing they learn, as do Black Belts, is that you do not attack someone who can't defend himself. So no, he wouldn't kick your ass. He wouldn't physically assault you either. He would tell you that he is a black belt (or heavyweight champion, or equivalent), then ask you to stand down.
If you do assault him, he would take you down, but that would be all he would do. Be it with a chokehold, a single punch, or any other disarming technique. They will not do it to inflict harm (break bones, cause permanent damage), but they will take you down. And that comes from living with a black belt holder for the last 7 years or so.
People respond violently to threats. Most people don't perceive insults as threats, or respond to insults with insults. But the loudmouthed, insulting person is usually considered to act childish, and people prefer to ignore them.
Let me ask you this, if you are driving a car and I cut you off, am I a threat or a childish person? Would you honk at me, make a few gestures and let me go, after you vented of, or will you follow me around a few blocks, cutting me off whenever you can, riding my bumper just so I know you don't take any shit from anyone?
I doubt the HAMC you encountered were 1%ers and if they were, 1%ers must be different in Greece or all the TV shows I watched are full of shit. I'm not projecting on to others what I would do. I'm sharing with you my thoughts. And in my previous post to you I included this. "I have no personal experience with such people so I could be wrong. What I'm saying is based on what I've seen on TV(shows like Gangland) and what is written on some websites." If you read my previous post properly you would see I'm not projecting on other what I would do.
"People respond violently to threats. Most people don't perceive insults as threats, or respond to insults with insults. But the loudmouthed, insulting person is usually considered to act childish, and people prefer to ignore them."
Everyone is different. Some people are like this, some people are like that. There is a lot of people like me, who don't take insults, lightly.
"Let me ask you this, if you are driving a car and I cut you off, am I a threat or a childish person? Would you honk at me, make a few gestures and let me go, after you vented of, or will you follow me around a few blocks, cutting me off whenever you can, riding my bumper just so I know you don't take any shit from anyone?"
This depends on if I'm in a good mood or bad mood.
keeveek: Maybe it's a cultural thing? We call women in Poland the beautiful sex, it's a very common saying.
Everything is cultural. One of the reasons, there is hostility between me and some people here is that me and these people have cultures that are very incompatible with each other. They don't like the way I'm behaving. But in my culture, the way I behave towards people is totally acceptable and people who don't like it are just over sensitive over PC people who are used to people only telling them what they want to hear as if everyone around them is customer service etc. Then people insult me because in their eyes, I'm misbehaving or being a huge douchebag by calling someone "crazy" even though I can back it up. In my eyes, my behavior was justified and feel I do not deserve this treatment from people so I insult them back. Sounds like the history of the world, doesn't it? Countries insulting each other, waging war against each other. That is why there will never be world peace... In many ways, GOG is like the world but instead of wars with missiles and tanks there is just insulting and downreping. LOL