Tantrix: Another overpriced Ubisoft release?
Heck, those people doing it are total rip-offs.
What's more, we still don't get the actual "DO WANT". All PoP-games, Splinter Cell trilogy, Rayman Trilogy, Unreal, XIII where the fuck are they?!
Tantrix, you don't understand. Until people are willing to pay $1000 for each game, they just can't let go of their treasure. After all, it is their treasure, and they don't wish to share it. Just think! If 1000 people want the game, they can - justifiably - charge $1,024,768 (1 Mi$) for the game. Mwahaha! If they release these games digitally, supply will go up, price will go down - making them worthless! And filthy pirateses will get their hands on my preciousss... *ahem*
Sorry, got too deep in character there. Hum. For some reason, I have a strong desire to play Pod. Must be the heat. Or Maybe PoP (the DOS original). I'd love to play a version of Prince of Persia I could save in - the version I had as a college student was flawed, and I couldn't save, and loading only got you to level 4 with 15 minutes remaining. But then again, I didn't have to drink a potion X from the manual on level 1.5, either.