Bought the game last night myself and it's actually pretty decent. Well, that is as long as you don't mind a simplistic battle system (i.e. lack of combos) and the repetitive gameplay that consists of hacking your way through enemies, then picking up treasure and interacting with switches and such. Also, the dark campaign can't be played until the light campaign is beaten.
So, depending on your views, those aspects might be a negative. I can't comment on the story at the moment as I've not been paying much attention and I'm not halfway through yet. It seems typical fantasy affair though. The one negative aspect I've found so far is that while you go through the levels, you earn gold to equip characters with (you can replay missions to try and beat the amount of gold you collected last time to further boost your character), there's no statistics given for the various outfits you can give characters. There's only a text description with no numbered stats. Seems like an odd thing to leave out but generally, the dearer the weapon/item, the better it is I guess. As for character interaction, from what I've noticed, doesn't seem like your characters talk either. Only the NPCs do.
Also, fought one boss so far that required different tactics than just hack and slashing. Was pretty large as well. There's also different characters you can unlock and they have access to different types of equipment, therefore making them play differently.
Regardless, the game is $5.99 and as long as you don't mind hack and slash titles, I reckon you'll be satisfied. It's hardly going to break the bank. There seems to be a fair amount of gameplay as well as I think with 13 - 17 light campaign levels and a few less in the dark campaign? (I'd assume the dark campaign levels see you travel to different locations etc. as well, but don't quote me on that.)
Edit: Forgot to mention, hit detection as one or two have mentioned (or at least I've seen it in reviews) isn't the greatest. However, I've not found it terrible.
Post edited May 14, 2010 by DavidGil