Azilut: Good news I guess, though personally I quite liked Dreamfall's "serious downer" ending, and would have been quite happy to have it end there. I guess I'm probably in the minority on that one.
I think the change of mood was an interesting move. The ending is really, really dark and I would dare to say that it even works as a valid conclusion. TLJ was all about hope, Dreamfall was about hitting bottom for real without any chance to raise.
What was my big issue was a lack of gameplay. It was basically a clickable movie. No serious puzzles, no long dialogues, just running from one cut-scene to another. Frankly, this was a title which I used to think was "catering to console's users".
I keep my fingers crossed for a solid sequel and I'm very happy this is happening. I still see there a potential for more stories. I wouldn't mind a theme legacy of Dreamfall but I hope it will follow TLJ in terms of gameplay and length. And no social features, please.
EDIT: It seems to be okay reading certain parts of the RPS interview:
"I think were Dreamfall sometimes fell a bit short was in the mechanics. It didn’t really always present a challenge or enough intereaction between the player and the characters. That’s hopefully something we’ll be able to address in Chapters." "Dreamfall will never be a multiplayer game ..." And Kickstarter would be great :).