Posted March 04, 2014

"If you show people a clip of Rambo gunning a bunch of Russians down, than show them a clip of a rape scene, most people will be shocked and possibly highly offended much more by the rape scene. It's simply seen as a much more disgusting act of violence. I feel that's because everywhere you look, you see a lot more violence in the world involving the killing of others, and movies, television and video games portray it a lot more than rape or other violent sexual acts."
Which I find puzzling, to me it would be much worse to see a bunch of people shot down. Maybe I just don't play enough killing games?
Are videogamers so desensitized to killing? Why is this kind of hypocrisy so much more prevalent among videogamers than among book readers or moviegoers?
You then make a leap into presuming video gamers as a group are more likely to see rape as worse than murder if I understood you correctly above. Where is the data to support that assumption? It might even be valid but is there some data to support that which you didn't make mention of but are aware of?
To find rape more evil or upsetting than people being shot does not necessarily make them desensitized video game playing hypocrites I wouldn't think. I guess one might argue for example that being shot to death is a final thing that lacks prolonged suffering whereas a rape victim suffers for a lifetime due the psychological trauma of that experience. And of course, murder commonly accompanies rape.
I tend to get my basic daily headlines, etc. from the CNN site and there's been no shortage of either murder or rape stories there sadly.
I would expect the whole of humanity to be somewhat desensitized to both rape and murder as a form of psychological coping because the fact is that both occur every single day all around us and are featured in our living rooms and elsewhere on television, radio, computers, etc. You'd have to be living alone in a cave on a mountain somewhere with no connection to the outside world to avoid being bombarded with bad news daily.
Post edited March 04, 2014 by dirtyharry50