dhundahl: You're now asking if I'm consistent in that I'm also against games that depict random killings or unjustified murder, which apparently us guys all love? That is one hell of a generalization. Shame on you for doing that.
jamotide: Why is that generalization shameful if it is true? Where are the numerous threads asking to remove Carmageddon from the site? Where is the gamer outrage about GTA? You can only find that among groups like mothers against violent videogames or something. I say there is little difference to gamers against rape games. And that is hypocrisy, not just a double standard, because every videogamer hates those groups and then goes around acting the same when the issue is something they personally don't like.
Why is it shameful to generalize? It's not. It's quite natural, in fact. It is, however, quite shameful to generalize without realising that you're doing it, particularly when you're obviously trying to paint people in a negative light. That's like saying that Christians are a bunch of naive and superstitious science-hating clowns. It's applies to some Christians but saying it about Christians in general would not be very polite.
As for the other part of the above, you're insisting on comparing rape with killing but I'm not sure how sensible that is. I've yet to see a scenario described where rape is a remotely justified option. Yes, gamers tend to dislike those super-whiny "mothers against violent games" groups, but that's because those groups generally display a nice mix of extreme attitudes, ignorance of the context, incoherent and inane arguments, and a general approval of censorship. What's there to like?
It's not a double standard to dislike those groups and still be against rape being depicted as something positive in games because killing can be justified whereas rape pretty much can't. The one argument you can make is that gamers have an easier time identifying with a bizarro world dickhead who does random killings than a bizarro world dickhead who does random rapes, and that argument would be sound, but I'm pretty sure the same thing applies characters in books and movies.
It also wouldn't hurt to consider that killing is something we do all the freaking time. The only time killing is remotely problematic is when we're killing something with which we have an emotional investment. Killing chickens or cows or pigs for food is awesome but killing your pet pig by hanging it from it's read legs, puncturing its jugular, and watching with barely contained joy as its desperate and fearful screams slowly fade would be considered cruel, wouldn't it? Rape is a different sort of action that is as much a psychological as it is physical, and it's something done exclusively with the purpose of raping someone.
dhundahl: Granted, I've enjoyed both GTA and Carmaggeddon and there's a certain measure of unjustifiable killing in both those series, but then you're never presented as anything other than a psychotic asshole. The points you're earning isn't a "wow, you're awesome" score, it's simply a dirtbag rating. The more points you're getting, the more of an asshole you are. And of course it has to be said that the worlds GTA and Carma take place in operate under hugely unrealistic parameters, which goes a long way to help people keep the games abstract from normal morality. You might as well argue that Need for Speed (or Fast & Furious series, or Taxi) turns people into psychopaths on wheels.
jamotide: So, in such a scenario rape would be ok? You keep evading the question by presenting scenarios in which killing is ok while forgetting rape.
I'm not evading anything and I have actually answered your question already. I'm quite fine with rape being depicted in games, since it's something that actually happens in the real world. Same thing with prostitution, slavery, theft, murder, fraud, religious fanaticism, and massive casualties of war. Why shouldn't those things be depicted? It bothers me if such things are praised as something morally good, though.
As far as Carma is concerned, however, there's absolutely no indication that it's "good" to drive down pedestrians. It's the only way to win the game, sure, but that doesn't mean it's "good", just like winning in Dungeon Keeper doesn't make you a "hero". The same thing applies to the GTA games. They take place in a bizarro world universes and your character is always an emotionally stunted and somewhat psychotic criminal scumbag. He's never presented as a hero and his actions are never supposed to be "good". Why should that offend me more than it offends me that I'm able to shoot the scientists and the guards in good old Half-Life or the Navi in Unreal? Why should it offend me more than that I'm capable of playing a cop-killing terrorist in Counter-Strike or exterminate the hell out of cities in Rome: Total War? I can literally destroy planets in Sword of the Stars and I can exterminate or enslave entire races in Distant Worlds just by setting a few policies. I can play dark side in KOTOR or as evil alignment in the Infinity Engine RPGs. Should those options also bother me?
So no, it doesn't offend me that games exist that give me the choice to be bloodthirsty scumbag in a virtual environment. What would offend me is if those games presented the scumbag actions as something heroic.