I'm in, thank you.
I'm also a huge sci-fi fan, and my fav sci-fi tv series is Stargate SG1 followed by any of the Star Trek tv series.
Also, I'm saddened the sci-fi television network is no more, now it is known as syfy, and it has so few actual sci-fi shows any more. :( crys
Thankfully, I have decades of older tv sci-fi series to fall back on.
Rick and Morty my new fav show, I can't give it enough praise. Another cartoon comedy.
Babylong 5... recently finished. Better then I thought it was going to be.
Space Above and Beyond.. decent, but short lived single season.
Firefly... I miss it deeply.
Eureka.. I liked it, had pretty good cast (a huge cast actually).
Fringe... I also like this one, some of it was really good, a few are stinkers though.
Futurama cartoon comedy, can't go wrong
Sanctuary first 2 seaons were great, 3 and 4 not so much, show went in different direction.
Warehouse 13 I'll miss this too.
Continuum started off really good, then its kind of.. rehashed/drama stuff
Shows I have yet to watch or finish:
Doctor Who
Shows not so sci-fi, more fantasy, but some of my favs:
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
And the sci-fi shows I watched, but disliked: (no haters plz)
Battlestar Galactica 2004