Fenixp: [...]
When I was 11, I was reading Sherlock Holmes. So I guess complex stories with logical storyline and conclusion are out of the picture. Your definition is not a definition, it's incredibly subjective, just as your 'not Mass Effect teenage story' bit. I mean, seriously? That's where I got the 'insecurity' from.
Is it me or are starting to nit pick here. Of course my definition of "maturity" is subjective. My whole post is "subjective" What do you expect? I wrote it, I want it to be subjective. I even want it to be incredibly subjective.
You really want to argue with me that the cheesy romance plot of Bioware's Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dragon Age is an attempt to please "adult" audiences?
I'm looking for games that don't cater the needs and expectations for children and teenagers. I don't mind if some more "mature" teens are playing this, even for the sake of feeling more mature. It's not about that, it's about CHOICE of the GAME Devs to cater style, story, gameplay, content, whatever but mostly for adults.
Another Idea I had was Republic the Revolution, but the game didn't work well on my PC and crashed regularly so I don't know if it is appropiate.
AHH, I have a good example:
"Papers, please!" is probably a good example of what I meant. "Ugly" visuals, "boring" controls and a politically motivated story mostly unsuited for kids that are not interested into this stuff. It helps being an adult with a similar job to identify with this brilliant game even more. So that's an example I think would fit.