Navagon: As stated: Bioshock 2 has a 15 activation limit imposed through GFWL.. It doesn't matter if you play it offline or not.
I really wish you would just look this up rather than make me regurgitate informartion I have written 100 times, but here we go anyway I guess. Yes, GFWL has a 15 activation limit, but since you only need to activate it to play online or to get achievements it is not really DRM for singleplayer, as I said. Make an offline profile and have fun.
I've tested this multiple times with many titles, you just click "offline profile" and start playing, no hassle or activation. All my activation codes are unused except for titles where I wanted to play multiplayer like Halo 2 or GTA4.
Navagon: As for GFWL not requiring online activation, I don't see how that's possible in games where you can't get rid of it without first registering the serial online.
You can get rid of it, it forces you to make a profile but not an ONLINE profile. Just make an offline profile.
Navagon: Also worth mentioning is how some games have their saves tied up with GFWL, meaning you have to use it to be able to save. Plus there's the fact that such saves are more difficult to backup because you also need to backup key GFWL files also.
Yes, the save system is annoying. It's not really DRM though.
Navagon: Very, very few games have unobstrusive instances of GFWL. Fallout 3 was one, but I can't think of another that was that free of its influence.
They're all unobtrusive... make an offline profile and set notifications to off and muted, you will never even know you're playing a GFWL game.