StingingVelvet: BioShock's install limits were removed in like 5 seconds and they have never done that again. GFWL is DRM free for singleplayer, which is all I care about.
They were toned down in a few weeks but took something like six months to be completely removed.
Bioshock 2 is DRM-free? Haha! Oh wow. You must be wondering why GOG even bother advertising their DRM-free status when there's no form of DRM anywhere on the planet.
Since when was a SecuROM disc check, GFWL serial, GFWL regional restrictions, GFWL need to call home... oh and let's not forget the GFWL 15 activation limit -especially seeing as you'd have to phone the generally unreachable people at Microsoft to refund - DRM-free? Seriously? On what planet?