Navagon: I've completed it and... wow! Best adventure game I've played in... actually, it's hard to think of a better one. I think only The Longest Journey trumps it. Even then only just. Which is as much to do with the games' length as anything.
TheCheese33: Seriously? This soon? Wow. I usually feel I need to wait a year, think about it some more, and then decide it's my favorite game of all time. What got you the most? The puzzles, art, music, story, controls?
I'm not saying it's my favourite game of all time. That would require a great deal more retrospective, like you say. But it's easier to compare to adventures.
The art style is the first thing that hits you. Sketchy, yet detailed drawings that have been highly polished, painted and exquisitely animated.
The characterisation is also exceptional. Perhaps this is thanks to the fact that there is never a word spoken in the game. The handicap making the other aspects stronger to compensate. But the game has a way of making you feel for the characters in ways you'd have thought impossible given that they're mute machines.
But it's perhaps the puzzles that steal the show, both in terms of variety and challenge. Yet there is a helpful hint system at hand if it leaves you baffled.
All in all it's a charming, creative and exceptionally well polished game that I recommend highly.