FAButzke: My experience tells me otherwise.
Oh, well why didn't you say you had anecdotal evidence (the best kind, as we all know!)?
FAButzke: People like you and StingingVelvet (who appear to be intelligent yet still support this kind of bullshit) are the reason why we don't move forward (technical wise). We're still playing games developed for hardware and software that is 7 years old now and that's unaceptable.
While I agree that PC gaming should be better than it is, I think your conclusions are insane, go look at the thread about about "not buying games new". Every time the subject comes up all the PC gamers jump up and say how they're happy to never have to pay over 5 USD for a game. Lmao, maybe, just maybe, THAT'S what is keeping super special PC games from coming out. You wouldn't have fuck all to play in the last 3-4 years if the console players hadn't been subsidizing most of it for you (okay, I'm exaggerating, but you'd have maybe 20% of the currently available titles).
And since when on a classic gaming site do we e-peen about the latest games and hardware advancements being the sum total of gaming? Seriously? Hell, you look at the most innovative PC only games in the last few years and almost a big fat ZERO of them have required massive juice to run. Minecraft would run on my phone! And it's nearly always been this way, many, if not most, of the best PC games never pushed the envelope at all as far as hardware goes, just troll through the biggest hits on GOG to convince yourself: Arcanum, BG, Serious Sam, etc., almost all the best games had really modest specs, if not downright a bit behind the times (Diablo 2, anyone?).
But I get it, it's easier to blame "consolization" and/or terrorists than to take a good hard look in the mirror and own up to reality.
And I have yet to hear why console play is "bullshit", according to you it's now apparently the consoles themselves that are the problem, not just the players?