klaymen: This week (from Monday to Thursday) I work in the evening, so if anyone wants, we can play together, I can help someone with a hard quest or sell some materials/dyes with GoG discount 50% if you need them.
These days when I have afternoon shift at the work are quite boring, so I will appreciate any company.
By the way, my playing time is approximately 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM (CET timezone).
So if you are interested, just post here or whisper Sandra Morningstar.
I'll probably be online than (most likely on Monday). Though am not sure yet will depend on how much work I'll be able to do today. Anyways I'll add you to my friends list regardless, just in case. ;)
I'll PM you than if I'm online. Dont really need help with any quest in particular but we could just hang out and do some random battles or something.
BTW any of you guys have some good tips for farming? I'm using a Dervish/Monk and tried the 130 HP build but failed miserably. Did they patch it so you cant use it anymore? Any advice on farming with Der/Mo in general?