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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
LeonardoCornejo: Insist, it is very suspicious, specially the part of Nordic not wanting to make "Other partners" angry.
MetalPlateMage: There's nothing suspicious about it at all - Nordic is a large-ish publisher with a metric ton of stores it sells to, digital and physical. Giving a large preference to a small partner is a huge NO in that world. It isn't like they are abandoning DRM-Free either - they have games on ShinyLoot, GamersGate, etc. that have no DRM. Also, speaking of ShinyLoot, from the looks of it they have fixed pricing too and Nordic seems to have no problems with them (

The issue with Nordic and GOG is actually quite complex for the layman, even I have trouble understanding the finer details of it and I tend to follow economics a bit XD.
Well, that won't make me dislike Valve less and that means I will always target them as primary suspects until they prove their inocence, but at leas your answer makes a good argument against mine. Goood enough to suspect less about Steam, but not good enough to discard the possibility at all.
so does anyone actually know why Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich is being removed?
Niggles: so does anyone actually know why Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich is being removed?
No word from Focus Home Interactive on the reason it is getting pulled. Why is the original Freedom Force not here as well? Focus Home Interactive is the publisher of both titles on Gamersgate.
Post edited August 30, 2014 by EnforcerSunWoo
amok: ? Owe CDPG what?
LeonardoCornejo: I am not going to argue about that anymore, it won't fix the current issue which bothers me the most GOG losing games and not getting enough new ones, but I will finish it by saying that Valve could have been grateful if they gave GOG three of their own games (Maybe not the best, but good ones) In exchange for the Witcher series, CDPG never asked for it, but that is why it would be a sign of gratitude.
you do realise that it is CD-Project who sell their on Steam, Valve could frankly care less what they do...
Niggles: so does anyone actually know why Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich is being removed?
EnforcerSunWoo: No word from Focus Home Entertainment on the reason it is getting pulled. Why is the original Freedom Force not here as well? Focus Home Entertainment is the publisher of both titles on Gamersgate.
its the only one of thiers being removed as well hmmmm
EnforcerSunWoo: No word from Focus Home Entertainment on the reason it is getting pulled. Why is the original Freedom Force not here as well? Focus Home Entertainment is the publisher of both titles on Gamersgate.
Niggles: its the only one of thiers being removed as well hmmmm
Should be Focus Home Interactive, wrote Entertainment by mistake. Anyway there are many titles from Focus Home here yet, so your guess is as good as mine.
Lemon_Curry: Yeah right. As if most people weren't already aware of the discount including the competition (Steam etc.). It's definitely more explicitly stated now but you would have to be highly ignorant to not have realised the benefit of buying games on GOG when both prices and currency were fixed.
Wurzelkraft: I know, right? Obvious discount is bad and hidden discount is fine. *cringes*
When the world works this way it's just stupid to ignore it (as a company doing business).
I just came back from holidays, 15 days away from civilisation ( digging firestone paleolithic tools, not even a proper gsm connection ). Gog seems full of "not so nice" suprises. 35 games leaving, 23 converted to regional pricing, and a puzzling new interface. Something else I need to know before I throw the computer through the window ?
jalister: I can blame them for the GOG Modern UI though.
Reading all the background infos about the lost games the longer the more I think the new layout perfectly fits for the change in GOG's business. The old site felt like a kind of home, where friends were doing things with love, the new site feels like yet another company homepage, where people do things for money.
Grargar: No. Both Freedom Forces are also available on GamersGate (and not as a Steam key).
timppu: Thanks for the tip. The first Freedom Force is currently discounted to 0.99€ on GamersGate, and it is marked as DRM-free.

Looks like I will be buying another game from GamersGate, after all. After that I have a grand total of 6 GamersGate games (two of them got for free, Cities in Motion and the Volvo racing game).

I never figured out why GOG didn't have it, when they had the other Freedom Force game (which I already have from GOG). I hope the GamersGate version works fine. I'll take my chances for one euro.
I've never understood why the first Freedom Force game isn't sold on GOG either. I'm interested in both games, but I'd like to play the original first. I've been holding off on buying the sequel here in the hope that the original would get added to GOG's catalogue eventually, but now that the sequel is getting removed this seems rather unlikely. I don't have a GamersGate account, but I might create one just to get a DRM-free version of the original FF at its current dirt-cheap price. And of course, I've now added FF 2 to my GOG shelf before it's too late.
timppu: Thanks for the tip. The first Freedom Force is currently discounted to 0.99€ on GamersGate, and it is marked as DRM-free.

Looks like I will be buying another game from GamersGate, after all. After that I have a grand total of 6 GamersGate games (two of them got for free, Cities in Motion and the Volvo racing game).

I never figured out why GOG didn't have it, when they had the other Freedom Force game (which I already have from GOG). I hope the GamersGate version works fine. I'll take my chances for one euro.
OldSkoolRulez: I've never understood why the first Freedom Force game isn't sold on GOG either. I'm interested in both games, but I'd like to play the original first. I've been holding off on buying the sequel here in the hope that the original would get added to GOG's catalogue eventually, but now that the sequel is getting removed this seems rather unlikely. I don't have a GamersGate account, but I might create one just to get a DRM-free version of the original FF at its current dirt-cheap price. And of course, I've now added FF 2 to my GOG shelf before it's too late.
Yes, I am contemplating to make a GamersGate account too, but first I must find out which games are DRM free there.
08q2y3h4tu: Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav and Memoria as Primordia are point and click adventures.
sorry my english is not good, i dont get this sentence
Phc7006: I just came back from holidays, 15 days away from civilisation ( digging firestone paleolithic tools, not even a proper gsm connection ). Gog seems full of "not so nice" suprises. 35 games leaving, 23 converted to regional pricing, and a puzzling new interface. Something else I need to know before I throw the computer through the window ?
Jack Keane 2 is among those 35 games that are leaving. :(
LeonardoCornejo: Yes, I am contemplating to make a GamersGate account too, but first I must find out which games are DRM free there.
[url=]Easy[/url]. Just keep in mind that it might not be 100% accurate. That's to be expected from a site that boasts even more games than Steam.
Post edited August 30, 2014 by Grargar
marlowe221: I may not quite understand all the financial nuances of regional vs. non-regional pricing but honestly, speaking as an American, I don't really care that EU folks were (often) getting a discount before.

My feelings are unharmed that I might have been paying slightly more than people half a world away from me.
08q2y3h4tu: I think you misunderstood. The discount they talked about was in comparison to the regional prices other retailers where charging EU or Australian people.

Till now you, Europeans, Australians, people from Andromeda were paying the same dollar price, so nobody had a discount in that sense.
No, Europeans (and others?) had a discount of up to 20%, depending on their local VAT, compared to the US Americans which do not have a VAT. But so far the developer or GOG has payed the VAT for the customer. Read the answer from Frictional Games carefully, they wanted to charge the same price for every country and currency. The price differences are only caused by the local VAT.
Why Nordic? Why have you done this to me, your friend? I don't care that this is post is petty and childish. The reasons you have left don't change the fact that your leaving makes me feel sad. I don't think we are fiends any more. You Left. We played together every time you had a game. Every time. I never said no to you. I never made you feel sad. I always was there for you. Now you have left me. That is mean. Mean and bad. So maybe you should go! Go eat your PBJ somewhere else. I don't care that I can still play with you in those other playgrounds. Those other playgrounds have bad things in them. Those other playgrounds are not as nice as this one. My playground. Our playground. The playground where we played together happily all the time. But now you have left. I am hurt and right now I don't want you here any more anyway! Go away! I don't want to play with you anymore. You are a mean company. Go away.

... but its ok if you want to come back. I am hurt, but I think we could maybe be friends again in the future. So come back if you want. I will play with you again then. If the people who run the playground let you. See they are god people. They are nice people. They look after me. They look after all of us who play here. I don't think they like seeing us sad. When we have been sad before, they have done things to cheer us up. But you have made us sad, and I am not sure they will let you back in the playground. But if they do, I will play with you. So please come back and bring more of your good games. We will play together then.

Nordic. I will miss you.