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We'll be removing a number of games from the catalog - here's your last call to get them with a special discount!

Today, we're here to honor the promise we gave you to announce ahead of time whenever we're taking a game down from sales. We wanted to give you one last chance to get the titles we're delisting with a considerable discount, and the partners involved agreed. There are 35 games on that list and you can get them all for up to 80% off until Tuesday, September 2, at 3:59AM GMT. Any title you buy will remain in your collection even after it's removed from our catalog, so you can always download and re-download the installers and bonus content. Check out the promo page to see which games this concerns.

We're still ironing out a few details. For now, the promo pages, like the one for the Last Chance Special, list all the game prices only in US dollars. But don't freak out: if you chose to use your local currency you will see the prices in local currency in checkout, and you can still finalize the transaction in local currency. We hope to have this issue fixed within the next weeks.
xy2345: Well, if losing a few publishers is the price for sticking to our principles, then I'll gladly pay it.

Other publishers have nice games too.
What about the principle of good old games? Or even good games? Instead we are getting documentaries, forced social media links, the wreck of a website, and Galaxy.

I can't say much about Galaxy, and I am interested to see where it goes. Unfortunately it is in beta with a only a card game. Much like the movie launch, there is nothing there that interests me enough to take a real look.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by jalister
xy2345: Well, if losing a few publishers is the price for sticking to our principles, then I'll gladly pay it.

Other publishers have nice games too.
jalister: What about the principle of good old games? Or even good games? Instead we are getting documentaries, forced social media links, the wreck of a website, and Galaxy.
I like good games like the next guy. But not unconditionally. There are things that I will not tolerate to get a good game. I'd rather get a smaller amount of good games at conditions that I approve.

I don't really care about the documentaries. I come here for games. Of course I like movies too, but right now GOG doesn't have any. And I have access to a video rental store, so I can get my movies there. They don't sport PC games there, though. For obvious reasons. So for that I need GOG.

And I have not beef with the website. Seems to work for me.
Redfern: Imho its pretty obvious that all reason for removing named titles from GOG is just 100% moving to Steam.
BTW, that will be with gift codes purchased for titles to be removed? Will they still work?
No. GamersGate and ShinyLoot disagree.
As for the codes, they will work.
Is it me, or has the website text gotten... teenier?
xy2345: Well, if losing a few publishers is the price for sticking to our principles, then I'll gladly pay it.
YOUR principles. Not everyone here shares YOUR principles. Please do not hold the rest of us as hostages for YOUR principles.

But there is ONE thing that we can agree we are all here for: GAMES.

That is why I vehemently disagreed with people here who wanted EVERYONE to lose game selections so that THEY can have their "principles", which really benefit just THEM and NOT me or anyone else. That is why they wanted to hold the rest of us as hostages for their principles: they benefit from it. I don't. Everyone else don't. I do not understand why the rest of us should suffer a smaller game selection for your principles.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by ktchong
Getcomposted: Is it me, or has the website text gotten... teenier?
I think it appears that way now in comparison to the gigantic text in the navigation bar at the top.
jalister: I can blame them for the GOG Modern UI though.
I don't like it either. I don't like the MS Modern UI anyway to begin with, or anything that reminds me of it, so that's part of it. Another part is how it's laid out and the theme colors used, or lack of colors/shades to differentiate.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by JohnnyDollar
xy2345: Well, if losing a few publishers is the price for sticking to our principles, then I'll gladly pay it.
ktchong: YOUR principles. Not everyone here shares YOUR principles. Please do not hold the rest of us as hostages for YOUR principles.

But there is ONE thing that we can agree we are all here for: GAMES.

That is why I vehemently disagree with people here who wanted EVERYONE to lose game selections so that THEY can have their "principles", which really benefit just THEM and NOT me or anyone else. That is why they wanted to hold the rest of us as hostages for their principles: they benefit from it. I don't. Everyone else don't. I do not understand why the rest of us should suffer a smaller game selection for your principles.
Of course I'm only speaking for myself. Like all the other guys do too.

Apparently there were more of us then there were of you, when it came down to it. No hard feelings.

PS: But it would be okay, if the rest suffered higher prices, so that you can get more games?
Post edited August 29, 2014 by xy2345
low rated
xy2345: Of course I'm only speaking for myself. Like all the other guys do too.

Apparently there were more of us then there were of you, when it came down to it. No hard feelings.
You are an American. You should know the freedom of choice. Freedom of individual responsibilities.

If YOU do not like publishers who insist on regional pricing, then YOU can exercise your freedom of choice. Just don't buy from those publishers. It's that simple. But that's not you guys roll. You want EVERYONE ELSE here -- even people like me who disagree with you and your principles -- to stand up and suffer for YOUR principle.

For you, if a publisher does not play by how YOUR rules, then you demand everyone else to NOT have the choice to buy from that publisher as well. But why should I pay the price for YOUR principles? Why should I be NOT allowed to buy a game because of YOUR principles? Basically, you want to take away everyone else's freedom of choice to suit YOUR principles. You are using me to add to your number for collective bargaining, even as I vehemently disagree with your principles.

This is like some kind of labor union thing that I did not sign up for but is forced into participating. If I had know GOG would be some kind of union thing, I would have never bought anything from here. Well, you can be a bully here GOG. Do you know what I'd do? I go over to Steam and buy my games from those publishers from now on.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by ktchong
marlowe221: I may not quite understand all the financial nuances of regional vs. non-regional pricing but honestly, speaking as an American, I don't really care that EU folks were (often) getting a discount before.

My feelings are unharmed that I might have been paying slightly more than people half a world away from me.

Is there some reason that I am missing that GOG can't go back to the old way of pricing that seemed so much less controversial?
I think you misunderstood. The discount they talked about was in comparison to the regional prices other retailers where charging EU or Australian people.

Till now you, Europeans, Australians, people from Andromeda were paying the same dollar price, so nobody had a discount in that sense. Now e.g. you pay 20$, EU IP is asked to pay 30$ and Australia IP is asked to pay 40$, so they say, now you don't have the EU 10$ and Australia 20$ discount anymore....
xy2345: Of course I'm only speaking for myself. Like all the other guys do too.

Apparently there were more of us then there were of you, when it came down to it. No hard feelings.
ktchong: You are an American. You should know the freedom of choice. Freedom of individual responsibilities.

If YOU do not like publishers who insist on regional pricing, then YOU can exercise your freedom of choice. Just don't buy from those publishers. It's that simple. But that's not you guys roll. You want EVERYONE ELSE here -- even people like me who disagree with you and your principles -- to stand up and suffer for YOUR principle.

For you, if a publisher does not play by how YOUR rules, then you demand everyone else to NOT have the choice to buy from that publisher as well. But why should I pay the price for YOUR principles? Why should I be NOT allowed to buy a game because of YOUR principles? Basically, you want to take away everyone else's freedom of choice to suit YOUR principles. You are using me to add to your number for collective bargaining, even as I vehemently disagree with your principles.

This is like some kind of labor union thing that I did not sign up for but is forced into participating. If I had know GOG would be some kind of union thing, I would have never bought anything from here. Well, you can be a bully here GOG. Do you know what I'd do? I go over to Steam and buy my games from those publishers from now on.
Nah, this swings both ways.

You also want the whole community to follow your rules. Your rules just happen to be different. For you it's okay if some people have to pay more, as long as you get more games because of that and you don't have to pay more. They can chose not to buy those games in that scenario as well as you can chose to buy them elsewhere now.

In that situation it's either a majority decision or some kind of compromise.
jalister: What about the principle of good old games? Or even good games? Instead we are getting documentaries, forced social media links, the wreck of a website, and Galaxy.

I can't say much about Galaxy, and I am interested to see where it goes. Unfortunately it is in beta with a only a card game. Much like the movie launch, there is nothing there that interests me enough to take a real look.
With you it's classics. With me it's those, but also new and big titles from big publishers. I'm less optimistic of that ever happening.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by JohnnyDollar
ktchong: YOUR principles. Not everyone here shares YOUR principles. Please do not hold the rest of us as hostages for YOUR principles.

But there is ONE thing that we can agree we are all here for: GAMES.

That is why I vehemently disagree with people here who wanted EVERYONE to lose game selections so that THEY can have their "principles", which really benefit just THEM and NOT me or anyone else. That is why they wanted to hold the rest of us as hostages for their principles: they benefit from it. I don't. Everyone else don't. I do not understand why the rest of us should suffer a smaller game selection for your principles.
xy2345: Of course I'm only speaking for myself. Like all the other guys do too.

Apparently there were more of us then there were of you, when it came down to it. No hard feelings.

PS: But it would be okay, if the rest suffered higher prices, so that you can get more games?
There was not and is not more of you,you just bitch louder.Your called the vocal minority.
high rated
ktchong: You are an American. You should know the freedom of choice. Freedom of individual responsibilities.

If YOU do not like publishers who insist on regional pricing, then YOU can exercise your freedom of choice. Just don't buy from those publishers. It's that simple. But that's not you guys roll. You want EVERYONE ELSE here -- even people like me who disagree with you and your principles -- to stand up and suffer for YOUR principle.

For you, if a publisher does not play by how YOUR rules, then you demand everyone else to NOT have the choice to buy from that publisher as well. But why should I pay the price for YOUR principles? Why should I be NOT allowed to buy a game because of YOUR principles? Basically, you want to take away everyone else's freedom of choice to suit YOUR principles. You are using me to add to your number for collective bargaining, even as I vehemently disagree with your principles.

This is like some kind of labor union thing that I did not sign up for but is forced into participating. If I had know GOG would be some kind of union thing, I would have never bought anything from here. Well, you can be a bully here GOG. Do you know what I'd do? I go over to Steam and buy my games from those publishers from now on.
xy2345: Nah, this swings both ways.

You also want the whole community to follow your rules. Your rules just happen to be different. For you it's okay if some people have to pay more, as long as you get more games because of that and you don't have to pay more. They can chose not to buy those games in that scenario as well as you can chose to buy them elsewhere now.

In that situation it's either a majority decision or some kind of compromise.
I find it silly that having the *option* to pay more for a game is somehow worse than not having the games available at all. I love GoG, but I swear, some of the people here are some of the most big-headed, idealistic Internet warriors I've ever met. I don't really blame anyone for the loss of games, but we did just lose 35 games, that's nothing to sneeze at. I feel for people who do have to pay higher prices, but taking the option away all together isn't making anything better.
Post edited August 29, 2014 by Ultra_DTA
high rated
All redeemed.

Enjoy :)
Post edited August 29, 2014 by DampSquib