Zurvan7: wow just wow. IW used to be one of my favorite devs back in 2000 and look at them now. Is activision so desperate for money? First they put michael myers in a dlc, then Predator and now this. Also a big shout out to xbox for promoting this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA8uPc9nskc This is the voice over version I would actually buy xD EDIT: LOOOL activision the bitch deleted this video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiWrMWs1Et0 monkeydelarge: There are two kinds of people in this world when it comes to being in front of a camera for thousands of people or more. People who dress up nice, put on make up, make sure their hair isn't greasy, make sure their hair cut looks good, do their eye brows, remove nose hairs. They also make sure the background(the room they are in etc) makes them look successful in life, trendy and cool. And when it's time to be in front of the camera, they try to sound as intelligent, laid back and happy as possible. And there are people like this guy, people who just don't give a fuck. :P
Youtube is starting to be a big joke. They need to limit the power, these corporations have, right now...
That's exactly what I thought, lol.
monkeydelarge: Youtube is starting to be a big joke. They need to limit the power, these corporations have, right now...