Gah...I had written up a huge post yesterday and then the forum glitched and it disappeared.
Suffice it to say, like you, I got a PS2 earlier this year, and it was a great decision. I've never been much of a technology hound, and I'm certainly not going to buy a new console the moment it comes out (and with the current gen, considering the stupidities, I may never get them).
Ok, so I'm usually not a fan of modern JRPGs, and I don't get horror games, and I'm a bit inexperienced with modern controllers (last one I used was the Sega Megadrive II one): just so you know my biases.
People are going to recommend you a LOT of 3D platformers, and that makes sense, there are a lot of great 3D platformers on the PS2. Most of them have a lot of overlapping experiences, so you probably don't want to get ALL of them. Highly recommended are the Jak & Daxter games, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper 2 (Apparently 3 was just average, and 2 was better than 1) and Viewtiful Joe.
Another game that EVERYONE (even here :D) will recommend to you is Ico. Great game, not much more you can say about that. Shadow of the Colossus is a sort of spiritual sequel (prequel?), and will also be highly recommended. Personally, I preferred the simplicity of Ico, but SotC is good too.
As I said earlier, I'm not a fan of horror, but Silent Hill 2 is another game that will come universally recommended despite that. Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid 2 also both come highly recommended, but I'm still on 2, so I can't say about 3 yet. 2 so far is great, even if it is a bit frustrating at times ("Snake? Snaake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!" :D) I keep on with it. Okami is another great one. Red Dead Revolver was hugely surpassed by its much better sequel on the PS3, but it is still a nice little game (although I'm still not used to the targeting, but that is probably just me). I was also recommended (and got) Shadow of Destiny/Memories, but haven't had a chance to play it yet, so I can't speak to its quality.
I was recommended Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII, so I got Final Fantasy X, and I had enjoyed the SNES FF games (3 and 4 and 5?) and even played VII on a PS1 emulator way back in the day. Perhaps I'm not the intended audience, but I got bored with FFX relatively fast. It had a 30 minute long intro that seemed totally irrelevant (a space-football player revving up for a game when suddenly the world ends), followed by a corridor of boring clickfest battles (I don't mind turn-based battles, but right at the start it was jut "Click attack, attack, get attacked, click attack again, repeat until one is dead"). If you like those sort of games (huge over-acted cutscenes with minimal linear gameplay inbetween), you might want to get those.
Now just to show I'm not a bigoted japanophobe, I was also recommended Way of the Samurai, which I found great. No boring huge uninteractive cutscenes, but nice non-linear game with emphasis on NPC interactions (which as an adventure gamer, I really enjoyed), and some cool sword-fighting mechanics. Way of the Samurai 2 was also recommended to me, but I didn't have a chance to get that, so I can't speak on it.
Some people might say they're childish, but the Katamari games are awesome fun. Apparently We ♥ Katamari is better, and I was told that I should play Katamari Damacy to appreciate 2 more, but I don't think it was necessary. I just have We ♥ Katamari, and it is great.
For PS2 game experiences, the God of War games are a necessity. I got the first two, and played II first, being told it was the better game, but it was probably focused more on a more experienced PS2 player than me (it had QTEs with sneakily changing buttons, so by the time it said "SMASH X TO LIVE" and I looked down at my hands to see which one was X, press it and look back up, it was too late), and 1 was much gentler.
For me, I didn't get any games that I had already played on the PC, but if you want those, you haven't (or if you want to replay them) you should get Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Beyond Good and Evil, Psychonauts, and the GTA games. If you enjoyed the GTA games, Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories never came on the PC, so you might like those.
For the token fighting game, you can get Tekken Tag Tournament. For the sports game (don't laugh, it is great! :D), you can get SSX Tricky, or if you can't find that, one of the Tony Hawk games. For rhythm games, if you can find it, get Gitaroo Man, or if you can't find that, Rez or Frequency or Space Channel 5 2. Rumble Racing is the Mario Kart of the PS2, and other cool racing games are Micro Machines, Gran Turismo and Burnout.
Other games I was recommended highly, but simply couldn't find (or they were prohibitively expensive): Time Splitters 2, Kingdom Hearts and Odin Sphere.
And the rest of the recommendations to me, in decreasing order of intensity (which either through not being able to find them cheap, or not being a survival horror fan or super-japanophile, I ddin't get):
Haunting Ground, GunGrave, SOS: The Final Escape, Clock Tower 3, Spy Fiction, Silent Hill 3 and 4, Gungrave Overdose, Shinobido: Way of the Ninja, Glass Rose, Gregory Horror Show, Project Zero/Fatal Frame 1, 2, and 3, Persona 3 and 4, Devil May Cry 3, Dragon Quest 8, Dark Chronicles, Rogue galaxy, Disgaea and Disgaea 2, Makai Kingdom, Ring of Red, Steambot Chronicles, Mad Maestro, Freak Out / Stretch Panic, Chaos Legion, Mark of Kri, God Hand, Maximo, Zone of the Enders 2, Onimusha 3: Demon Siege, Dragonball Z Budokai 3.
Whew...that turned out just as long as before. Hope it was helpful!
Post edited December 26, 2013 by babark