Fujek: Super Cars 2 would get me sold ;)
Allow me a slight bit of shameless self-promotion, just because it's rare to run into another Super Cars 2 fan ;-)
If you have Trackmania Nations Forever (and if you don't, you should get it, it's free), then you can try
my remake of the Bwlchyddar (Easy level 2) track. Just remember that in order to see the intro, you have to load the track, quit it and then load it again. For some weird reason, Trackmania starts the track before it has loaded all the assets, so the first time you run it, the intro graphics will just consist of a series of checkered flags.
The track itself doesn't translate too well into Trackmania's driving mechanics, but I'm quite proud of the intro.
On topic, there used to be more racing games here, but some of them were removed due to licensing issues (TOCA 3 and Colin McRae 2005, IIRC).