GhostQlyph: Spinorial: A true guinea-pig professor would know better than to wear such large glasses, they're a hazard in the lab! Once again, we contend with the foul spectres of pop-sci and small resolution! The quality is high, but I must rate this by CONTENT, sir! -- 2.5/5
You mistake the circumstances. The professor is not working in the lab, but is, in fact, posing for an NSF grant application, since corny stereotypical imagery is the only thing bureaucrats understand. And that's as real as science gets because, damn it, any researcher will tell you, whoring yourself out for science is the most important part of the scientific process.
The guinea pig is, in fact, an experimental high-energy physicist, working at the Large Hamster Collider in Geneva. I've attached a scholarly illustration of the principles at work. Notice how hamsters travelling close to the speed of light excite the vacuum around them, creating charged particles that spiral inside the magnetic field. At least, I
think that's what's going on...