nijuu: really? So you deftly ignore the childish rants of a good portion of the steam user base and just say " Oh yeah thats what groups discussions are for". Talk about stepping around the issue instead of facing it front on. Look at the dickheads on the Wasteland 2 steam threads....i pity the devs for even putting the game on Early Access with the shitty way some of you guys carry on and on....
*I* don't participate in the general Steam discussions. And yes, the reason why Steam introduced the Steam group discussions and similar concepts is so that you can choose who do you talk to, as they very well realize how big the general boards have become - therefore, there's now an official way to sidestep the issue and do what you want.
nijuu: good on you. How does fair pricing suck? Its same bloody value in whatever currency. Id rather have same damn price for everyone across the world than under charge one customer and over charge another. How is that fair?
I'll get you aquainted with the basic principles of purchasing power then:
When you spend one dollar, you might be able to buy a beer for it.
When someone in the other part of the world, where you are able to buy two beers for the same dollar.
So practically, when you pay 6 bucks for a game, 'the other guy' pays 12 in his own currency, as he's be able to buy twice as much stuff for the same $$$ price. This is natural of course, as different economies are ... well, different around the globe - and regional pricing alleviates this issue by pricing the game at 6 dollars for you and 3 dollars for the other guy, so you both sacrifice the same value when buying a game.
Of course, this also means those people tend to get half the wages people in the US do, so 6 US dollars are a much bigger sacrifice for them (about the same sacrifice as if you're forced to pay 12 instead)
In some parts of the world, this is abused, like Australia. But when this issue hits Australia, it's not nearly as bad as other, not quite as wealthy countries affected.
Take a look at
this. You just can't claim that 'same prices for everyone' are fair.