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Red_Avatar: Apples, oranges, and completely besides the point. Point is, you defend Steam for very nefarious business practices - I never defended GOG for them "shutting down" nor for Origin banning accounts so keep that crap to yourself, please. Pointing the fingers at others doesn't change anything - not when most people who love Steam are so eager to point at others yet don't seem to see the dangers of Steam themselves.
Your are singling out Valve/Steam as an evil company. "Steam is evil" "Steam is dangerous". Those claims must be put in comparison, because if Valve is evil, literally every company with a net worth above a couple of million dollars is also evil. Because they all do a lot to protect their interests and assets that by your definition is evil.

This is laughable and childish to say the least. Steam needs us gamers more than we need Steam. EVERY game on Steam can be pirated. People use Steam because it is an excellent service, not because we are forced to do so. By what measure is Steam "evil"? They banned accounts when their was suspicion of criminal fraud. Which is a criminal offence and would make Valve liable if they didn't do anything. Sure, it sucks that this meant people where cut out of their games for few days, but that was an inherent flaw in the stupid age old client that has been resolved. Their community moderators are a bunch of dicks. Considering the alleged tone in those forums I'm not surprised. I never use the forums apart from looking up some games I might want to buy. Therefore they could be made completely out of Twilight fan fiction and I just wouldn't f'cking care. Because I don't need them.

You probably just don't like Steam because you had some run ins with their mods. Of which only your side of the story is visible here. But what do I know. Maybe Gabe Nevell killed your parents after that theatre play and forced you into the life of a vigilant. If you don't like Steam, that is fine. But making false or outdated claims to slender the company is neither constructive nor something that should be encouraged on ANY forum. And none of the "facts" you brought forward has given me any indication to treat Valve differently than any other gaming company I do business with.
There's a lot of lollipops need handing out in this thread, I'm not sure I have enough.

I like steam. Hated it when it first came out (it was awful) but it's come on in leaps and bounds and is now an integral part of my pc gaming life. I have no concerns about the scare mongering people use in these arguements.
It's not perfect but it's more complete than any other and If you don't like it, don't use it. I see no reason why everyone feels the need to be "different" and bitch about how awful it is. I hate Origin, I refuse to use it, so I don't... if people ask my opinion then I give it or I might mention a game requires Origin but I don't see the need to name drop it constantly and create whole threads about it.
SimonG: Your are singling out Valve/Steam as an evil company. "Steam is evil" "Steam is dangerous". Those claims must be put in comparison, because if Valve is evil, literally every company with a net worth above a couple of million dollars is also evil. Because they all do a lot to protect their interests and assets that by your definition is evil.
Considering everyone and his cat dislikes EA and Origin is not liked by anyone, but Steam has millions of fans, it seems pointless to harp on about Origin when Steam is a far greater threat considering far more games are exclusive to it. It's not singling out, it's knowing where priorities lie.

I could give you a list of stuff Steam did in the past including their client causing corrupted MBRs which they then tried to sweep under the carpet by deleting topics from anyone who dared to mention it over on their forums. It has nothing to do with their forums being filled with dickheads - I don't go there more than once every few months and couldn't give a damn about it. It's their general attitude that I despise - taking away our rights and hitting us over the head if we dare to speak out. Forcing you to agree to a TOS with as punishment taking away all your games if you don't is not something that we should have to put up with.
SimonG: People use Steam because it is an excellent service...
How can it be an excellent service when its entire business model consists of selling defective products?
SimonG: People use Steam because it is an excellent service...
ydobemos: How can it be an excellent service when its entire business model consists of selling defective products?
I have been playing games on Steam for as long as I've been playing PC games and never had a problem with any of their games. All your complaining about how "Steam is DRM!" can't change that essential fact. And that is how they are an excellent service.
Post edited September 01, 2012 by BadDecissions
Red_Avatar: It's their general attitude that I despise - taking away our rights and hitting us over the head if we dare to speak out. Forcing you to agree to a TOS with as punishment taking away all your games if you don't is not something that we should have to put up with.
You do know that they can change their TOS without asking us? Companies can do that (to a certain degree, and the recent changes would be legal without asking). If anything the "forcing fact" actually makes it less legal, if anything. Forcing to change the TOS is a moot point for 98% of the gamers anyway, because with every new game activated on Steam, you agree with them again anyway. Oh yeah, and not to mention that the TOS are not binding for pretty much every Steam user who isn't living in Somalia. They cannot take away any rights. Because they are not Eurocoprs and this isn't Syndicate. They have it easier to enforce their rights on there consumers because of the DRM aspects of Steam, but that's just about it. Oh, I hope this isn't news to you, but gaming companies and Valve also have rights. Not nearly as much as we have, but they have them.

From your electricity provider, to your ISP or Tesco and Lidl. Those companies are way worse than Valve. By several magnitudes. Yet people bitch about Steam like it was Hitler having a threesome with Stalin and Mussolini.
ydobemos: How can it be an excellent service when its entire business model consists of selling defective products?
Post edited September 01, 2012 by SimonG
SimonG: Examples?
All their games have DRM built into them and are thus defective.
SimonG: Examples?
ydobemos: All their games have DRM built into them and are thus defective.
ROFL !!!! A lot of GOG games still have DRM in them, it's just bypassed or disabled :P. Some still have the manual reference DRM etc in older DOS games too.
SimonG: Examples?
ydobemos: All their games have DRM built into them and are thus defective.
Good lord ...
What do you mean, "good lord"?
I'll let you in on a little secret: a lot of people who volunteer for such things are power hungry and love feeling superior.
Does it give you the right to treat them like lesser persons ? Does it mean 100% of them are power hungry monsters ?
I got a temp ban of 3 days for auto censoring, no warning, and a rather arrogant PM *apparently you can't handle any form of authority* from the moderator who activated the ban. He called it "censorship evading" although it was clearly a case of auto censoring - and when I explained the situation, he was even a bigger asshole about it. You can defend them all you want, but a jerk is a jerk to me *so you would punch a cop if he was a jerk with you ? way to go pal* and Steam forums are filled with power mad moderators. All the rest is besides the point.
And if you had read what I wrote, you would have understand it WAS "censorship evading" and why it it necessary. I'm not defending them at all, I am explaining you how it works, so you understand why you got punished, so you don't do the same mistake again and don't spread false information. But yeah, I guess you hate the "fact checkers" and will continue to ignore my words, that's a pretty popular fad these days.
a) you sure are a Steam fanboy aren't you? No service should sell broken games, full stop. And in that case, the game was very much broken (it was Alien vs Predator, the original game which was unplayable on release)
Please remain polite, you keep being hostile and this is becoming irritating.

If the game is not playable, for the vast majority of people, you should blame the publisher first (I purchased Brink and Red Orchestra 2, I know what it's like to wait a full month to even launch the damn game). It seems you had a problem with a game, then assume you and the 10 others users on the Steam sub-forum represent "everyone". Steam can not test all the games they're distributing, it's the publishers' job to do that.

If you want it done by Steam too, you'll have to pay for this - would you pay for that service ? Since Steam don't have access to source codes, they wouldn't be able to fix it. And what if the game is working for 50% of users ? And what if the game already has a fix patch in the tubes, to be released shortly ? Publisher's job.

When Windows crashes, do you go to the supermarket where you bought your computer to complain about it ? If you buy a game there, do you rage at the cashiers for their incompetence in testing the games they're "selling" ?
b) I appealed to another moderator and explained the situation but just like you, he made a lot of excuses about moderators not being paid and since the moderator deleted the entire topic soon after I got the temp ban I didn't have anything to copy paste.
How convenient. He deleted the PMs too ? You didn't saved the insulting forum posts he made ? You felt attacked, yet you saved nothing. Surprising, isn't it ?

And it was just a temp ban, but the moderator literally attacked you ? Excuse me, but it sounds like you got mad at him over a small issue and felt threatened, when the moderator was just reminding you the forum rules and to stay calm. Seriously, you see explanations as excuses, it's clear you're not looking to understand the situation, but instead you're trying to determine who's guilty. Ego issues.
Let me say that this was the first time Steam made use of DOSBox for its games and most people were expecting the id collection to use different means. The games were gutted from many files including the setup files as I mentioned and DOSBox had been "hacked" to incorporate Steam code + they had removed documentation files that is actually illegal to.

The topic was mostly about how cheaply it had been done - the games were badly setup and due to the lacking setup files, people couldn't do anything about it. They used an outdated DOSBox version as well and the lack of the documentation files topped it off. Let's say no-one was amused and several people had contacted support to get a refund (and were silenced by the mods when they told others who were not happy to do the same).
Here we are. Now you're admitting the thread was mostly bashing over the (very) poor job done by id/Steam devs who did the Dosbox integration, how "illegal" (jaywalking is illegal, does it mean you should shout and shake people whenever they're crossing the street "illegaly" ?) it was and why everyone should get a refund. We went from reporting a single mistake, to a full-frontal assault on the job done by Steam - how surprising.

There is an extremely high probability that the thread hadn't only calm and polite posts (I've been in a lot of angry threads : the euro currency, L4D2 boycott, etc and more recently the SSA arbitration clause - I know how it goes) and when the mods started putting a stop to the riot you all acted surprised. Same thing every time.

Always the same "I DID NOTHING WRONG, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SUPPRESS ME, THIS IS TOTALITARIANISM" chaps who never wanted to find solutions to the discussed problem, just vent their hate and anger. The same kind of people shouting at cops "WHY ARE YOU ARRESTING ME ?! I DID NOTHING WRONG" whenever there's a protest in the street or when asked to show their ID card they refuse and call the cops fascists. Needless to say these people are a real problem for actual protesters: they're teasing the cops all the time and trying to turn it into a full brawl to show everyone how they're rebel.
I then came in and stated that Steam had illegally removed other files except for the setup files and that they would have to add them back in (Qbix had already contacted Steam itself about this) *then why the imperative need to report it AGAIN ?*. Besides this, I had also noted my disappointed at how badly this collection had been made (do note it cost $45 which isn't nothing for a bunch of old games running on DOSBox - I could have done that myself).
I see what happened now. I bought that id pack too. Guess what: Doom, Quake and all the other games (that "bund of old games") are not free. Woaw, what a freaking surprise : you need a legal license to play these games ! And the id pack is exactly that: getting a legal way to get these files. Unbelievable, right ?

You could have done that yourself ? Oh, you can get a deal with id Software allowing you to sell all these licenses at anytime to anyone ? Go ahead then, the guys tried and failed. Maybe you're better at securing commercial deals than them. Go ahead, we're all waiting for Doom and Quake on Oh, if you could get System Shock 2 too, that would be sweet.

Seriously, anyone can get the games running on Dosbox in an afternoon, but very few can get a legal contract allowing them to distribute the games, that's why the pack cost money.

[next part below]
[the next part]
I got banned then for provoking people and my posts got deleted. Frankly, they were just covering their asses - all posts pertaining to the illegal removal of files was suspiciously removed. Go on and defend THAT!
"banned then for provoking people" we're getting closer, you're making progress :)

Regarding the "it's illegal !", you're making me laugh: you threw legally-binding accusations at Steam, most probably without providing the full documentation on that (the Dosbox contract + the US law articles Steam is supposed to have broke), and expected Steam to let you throw accusations like that without reacting.
If Steam were as evil as you seem to believe, they would have sue you for "defamation", asking you to legally prove what you're accusing of. EA is capable of such things - in fact I think they already threaten to sue a blogger who accused EA of doing something illegal on his blog (nb: the guy got scared and removed his accusations).

The moderators preferred to remove the threads until the legal issues you raised are checked and if necessary solved with the each party (here, Dosbox), before, while angrily ranting with other people, you crossed the line and forced Steam to bring it on the next level (court).

You can't go on any company forum and accuse them of doing something illegal every single day of the year, this is not "I can bark 'that's illegal !' until they prove it's not", otherwise I could say you're a criminal until proven innocent, harassing you until you're destroyed. You don't seem to understand what "illegal" means and how you can use that word in public.
On the face of it, Steam is indeed good - if only it wasn't so evil behind the screens. It can have as many features as it wants but when they lock down people's entire accounts because Paypal acts up ... I'm sorry but then you're doing something very wrong.
Now the Paypal cries, omg... My turn to to let you in on a little secret: every single business online had serious problems with Paypal (mostly because they're not following the rules banks have to strictly respect) and currently lock down any transactions whenever there's a suspicious activity. Many small business owners trying to sell some of their stuff online lost several thousands dollars on Paypal scammers and now either refuse Paypal, ask you to scan your ID card or use (expensive but secured) external payment solutions.

Accusing Steam of being evil because of these problems with Paypal is complete bad faith, why not accusing them of overcharging you when your bank adds a fee for every online purchases ? Steam is responsible for everything, Steam should fix everything...

EDIT: wheee the Superior forum won't let me post a longer message and force post merging, I'll post my last paragraph once someone post again :/
Post edited September 01, 2012 by Klem
Klem, give it up you sad fanboy.
SimonG: Examples?
ydobemos: All their games have DRM built into them and are thus defective.
Do the games run?

Yes, yes they do.

Not defective. I see a little alarmist who needs to get himself a dictionary.
Red_Avatar: Klem, give it up you sad fanboy.
He debates the other side so he's magically a fanboy? Are you always this 'good' at debating points, or do you just pull things like this out when you're too lazy to offer a real response?
Post edited September 01, 2012 by Crassmaster
including their client causing corrupted MBRs
Ha ha, that's the funniest IT joke I have ever seen :D

Red_Avatar: Klem, give it up you sad fanboy.
Well, I guess my mission is done here.

It seems you're not compatible with a system having to deal with millions of people, you expect a company to act like a person, you expect to buy from the person who created the good you're buying (or someone really close to that creator), you expect your experience with that company to be very similar to the experience you would get in a retail store.

In our globalized, and now digitised, world, you're going to have a difficult time consuming goods and services. can still provide such personalized experience to its customers because it's still rather small and in a niche market, but one day, if they become big enough, they will lose that ability. That day, you'll need to either find a new, small and personalized platform, or will have to adapt.
Post edited September 01, 2012 by Klem
Klem: It seems you're not compatible with a system having to deal with millions of people, you expect a company to act like a person, you expect to buy from the person who created the good you're buying (or someone really close to that creator), you expect your experience with that company to be very similar to the experience you would get in a retail store.

In our globalized, and now digitised, world, you're going to have a difficult time consuming goods and services.
You on the other hand are a model consumer in the Brave New World.