At the risk of turning this into a discussion of GOET (GoodOldEnglishTeachers)...
hedwards: It depends a bit on what country, but that largely applies to China. Having the TESOL or similar, a college degree and 2 years work history is mandatory for the Z-visa which is really the one you want to have. However, if one's just looking for experience one can usually get an F visa for cultural exchange. Pay is questionable, but you can legitimately get a stipend to cover living expenses.
The bulk of my experience is with Korea, but what I've mentioned is from what I've been seeing in some recent job postings for EFL teachers in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. With the government program, in Korea (EPiK), the original requirement was a B.A/B.Sc as a bare minimum (they didn't even require teaching experience!). As a result, you could practically get in if you had a half-decent CV and a pulse (and even then I'd wager that they'd hire zombies if they were good looking enough).
Now, they've finally decided to up the bare minimum to a Bachelor's and a TESOL certificate, and be more restrictive in evaluating their applicants (I believe they also want a sample lesson plan too).
hedwards: And you definitely do want to be careful whom you work for regardless of what country. I've definitely seen discrimination while I've been here and for the most part schools don't really know what it takes to teach English.
I agree totally. I don't know 100% about China or Japan, but in Korea, your safest bet by far is with EPiK, or by getting a job working for a city Metropolitan Office of Education (e.g. the Incheon MOE) or a Provincial Office of Education (POE). There are good jobs out there with the private academies (hagwons, or cram schools in Japan) but you have to do some digging to find them. Even still, with a government job, I know I'm guaranteed to be paid on time, to have the rent paid up, and to get my exit/entrance allowance, in addition to my health coverage, proper taxes processed, and the all-important pension lump sum at the end. That's far more than I can say for private jobs. I can only guess but I suspect the same holds true for China and Japan.
hedwards: That's why I'll be leaving when I finish my contract at the end of January. I've gotten rather tired of being jerked around for not adequately living up to their stereotypes of a westerner. It definitely is worse if you're a man that isn't in his 20s or old enough to be respected as an elder.
It's the same reason why I wouldn't see myself doing EFL forever in an Asian country, at least, not so far. Even at the best of times, you could still detect the underlying xenophobia (if not outright racism) present by virtue of the fact that you were an outsider. And that's on top of the likelihood that you could get a negative reaction for not fitting in with their image of what a North American foreigner should look like and talk like.
My experience overall was very positive and very warm from my Korean coworkers and the Koreans in my neighbourhood, but there's no escaping the fact that you will never be fully accepted into the matrix of their society. As long as you can take that, anyone can do fine there.
hedwards: It takes so long for the government to put plans into action once they've come up with a plan.
One of the nice things about being an expat is that you get a bit of context in terms of what things are really like back home.
It's somewhat the same in Korea. The only difference is that it's not scale which obstructs effective change, it's an intensely stubborn insistence on adhering to tradition and staying the course, regardless of how inefficient or wrong it may be. I wonder if that's the same in China as well.
Hmm, yes, it was sort of surreal reading the news in my office and seeing the US and Canada seem to all go to hell in a handbasket. The more I'd read the news about the US the more I came to understand and appreciate why more and more educated people from the US are teaching in Asia, and why they don't have any burning desire to go back anytime soon.