Personally, I found this great site after reading somewhere on the Internet that Treasure Adventure was available for free on GOG with extras that weren't available-as I found out- on the developer's site (I thought I read it on kotaku, but I can't find anything related right now). Thus I subscribed on GOG on May 2013 (as stated on my profile-actually it was on the 31st of May, as it says on my account's freebies; if I had subscribed one day later, it would say Jun 2013) - and because I subscribed initially for that game my nickname is the one you can see (Treasure). At any rate, I liked Treasure Adventure but got stuck early in the game, so I left it. However, I found out there are many more nice games on this site, so I stayed and eventually started buying and playing games from GOG (as I appreciate the fact that all the games I bought till now run on my system hassle-free).