sharp299: Today because is an offer of ubisoft. It supouse my brother buy Heroes I to V. I will buy Rayman Forever and Prince of persia I to III and interchange in our computers 2 laptops. It suposed my brother and I can will play Heroes III to "V" in multiplayer. But "Heroes V" has Serial NUMBER, SERIAL "YOU DON´T SERIAL NUMBER = BAN,RESTRICCION,DRM" I really angry. you lie us GOG. It has DRM. FU.. DRM. WHY. WHY YOU LIE. WHY YOU NO SPECIFY YOU HAS A PERSONAL SERIAL NUMBER. WE WANT TO PLAY ONLINE TOGETHER BAST...
Psyringe: So you're ranting about the fact that you can't _exploit_ the being DRM-free of this game in the way you intended to? Wow. If you want to play this game in multiplayer with your brother, buy two copies, as for any other game.Many DRM-free games allow you to exploit the system by playing them on two machines at the same time, but that was never intended, and isn't really supported by GOG (check the terms of service). The game is DRM free, nobody manages your rights after purchase. No one can take the game away from you. It's entirely under your control. It just doesn't allow you to use the same copy twice for playing multiplayer against each other, which you aren't supposed to do either, _if_ you are an honest customer. From looking at your rant, it seems that you didn't have any intention to be an honest customer, and are now screaming at GOG for not allowing you to exploit them. That is realle y something.
Thanks for take the time for anwer me. If you are trying to be roug, you are doig really well friend.
The ploblem here is they no spefic you need a Key. this is the only thing I want. I have seen a lot of games where they specific this. you can check the announce they don`t do it. In every game requires every game they especify. is not?.
Second I`m no any Kind of busines man. "exploit" is when you resive a kind monetary venefy. for rent or buy. The only thing I was want is play using. "Warfog" aganst my brother. in the same house, in Lan. in HotSeat mode you can see every movemet of your enemy I have play in this mode all of my life. but is now borig.
I check the terms of service Whit every purchase(Every Month when I purchase games to Gog I`m really loyal customer of we have never purchase an Ubisoft game. we never think Is whit Ubisoft games we will have problems. This is because never buy games whit key. because normally the company has restrictive terms of service(and Gog never especify).
This "IF" was really ofensive the game Is not downloaded yet. the game is not in any computer yet. ¡¡My family has an Strong Honour code and this was OFENSIVE!!!. What are you thinking I`m here. a Freeloader download this game really easy. I have my work and buy to suport to the FREE DRM REVOLUTION (every month I buy 1,2,3,4 games). I came here really angry asking for Anwers to GOG( and the most of the Comunity answer me really kind(thank you for you my friends) EXEPT YOU ). I have my phisical editions of all and every one of games buy to Blood, the Colletion of Divinity, Homm 1,5) because I don`t like to use them the big boxes damages.
"or maybe the person has never be honest are you because you are the ONLY ONE here are talking and thinking that". - sigmund freud-
You are truth frirst term in the ubisoft Eula says The prioduct can have "DRM"... and it has DRM... I understand is no all fault of Gog they do no offer any warranty obout any product (it says in their own EULA) (but they can specifi whit game too, can`t they? u.u). I think
ubisoft itself answer my question but it remains the feeling of being cheated. Thaks for your time.