jefequeso: if it's possible for a videogame to be perfect, then Doom is perfect, and anyone who disagrees obviously hasn't pseudo-philosophically mused enough.
John Carmack doesn't think so.
PhoenixWright: I think Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is pretty close, for what it sets out to do. But I can imagine anyone playing it and not liking it as well.
Who cares if someone plays it and doesn't like it?
"Perfect" doesn't mean a game that
every gamer loves. A perfect game IMO is 1. a game that is the ultimate example of its genre (one that is upheld as being a "classic" or the "daddy" of <insert genre name here>) and 2. is totally flawless (in that the fans of that game wouldn't change a thing about it).
BTW I recently finished PW: AA. It is a near-perfect non-dating visual novel game. I enjoyed it. But there is still something I would change about it:
How do you like the sound of unlocking a music player and a picture & credits viewer upon beating the game? :)
(Also - and this is probably just me but - I found the last case spoiled the over-all storyline IMO. It felt tacked on. This case wasn't part of the original Japanese GBA game - it was "ret-conned" years later into the DS release).