Short answer, no.
Long answer... well, I have played games that have achieved what they set out to do with something so close to perfection that their flaws are irrelevant.
I'm glad to see Planescape: Torment being mentioned a lot, for me it is one such game. I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay, the artwork is not always to my taste, but it aims to tell a story, and in that respect it is as close to perfection as can reasonably be expected.
Bioshock Infinite is another such game. It does what it sets out to do with incredible success. It doesn't revolutionise FPS gameplay, but it creates a truly wondrous and immersive world of great beauty.
Other games that sit on this level: Doom II, Ecco the Dolphin II, WipEout 2097, Metroid Prime, Streetfighter II, Amplitude, Guitar Hero, Half Life 2, several Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games... and there are probably others. Remember, I'm listing games that, to my mind, have achieved their goals most perfectly, rather than actually being perfect games. WipEout 2097, for instance, was incredibly simple in its execution, but holy crap it was awesome.