Ramba_Ral: Schweet, been playing TF2 nonstop since I upgraded my pc lately. So, yeah, my steam id is RambaRal87 or in game name is Рамба Рал.
Just invited you to the group, sorry it took so long.
Thanks to akwater's extremely generous donation we know have a lot of money to spare ($250 which is roughly £169). My idea was to pay the server for 6 months (which would cost us £64.20) and also get a US server (same price if we get it from UK game servers which have proven to be very reliable) for 6 months paid up front which would get our US players better pings and a more normal time-zone to play on :D (another £64.20).
This would leave us around £38.6 or even more because I intend to talk to them about a discount (in the end it's not many people that rent two servers for 6 months in advance).
Before we do anything though I would like to hear your input about this.