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wpegg: They're not serious claims. He is telling the truth.
Lemon_Curry: Okay, I just don't appreciate the way it's stated as 'a hacked game' could give some people the wrong impression that GOG alters something without the legal permission of whoever holds the rights to the game in question.

To be honest, I find it somewhat suspicious when a newly registered member starts posting stuff like that.
It's probably some buttmad scene kiddie getting his panties in a bunch.
Fever_Discordia: Why? Are you excitedly psychoanalysing him to work out EXACTLY what personality flaw, personal hang-ups and obsessive compulsions he suffers from? (no WAY did I get 'psychoanalysing' right first time BTW, I'd high five myself if I didn't just have to correct it that SECOND time, there - D'Oh!)
tinyE: No, I'm just fascinated by dickheads. :P
Oh so THAT's Why you spend so long in from of the mirror! :P
(sorry, had to be done)
Fever_Discordia: Hmm.. Why? Do you suspect that we have been infiltrated by Gade's personal secret police sent to destabilise the GOG before staging a military coup and installing a puppet management team?
Hmm... I'd rather like to see a management puppeteering team.

By the way, who's Gade? I honestly haven't got a clue but I'll let Google answer that for you. ;)
Post edited June 17, 2014 by Lemon_Curry
Titanium: Bullshit.

They're marihuana'd at best.
tinyE: No, I'm just fascinated by dickheads. :P
Fever_Discordia: Oh so THAT's Why you spend so long in from of the mirror! :P
(sorry, had to be done)
There is actually way more truth in that quip than I'd care to admit. XD
wpegg: I think it's been a while Jimmy, good to see you.

For the current discourse, would you mind explaining the taint.
I can relate to the OP, just not to the same extent. My CD/DVD/BD collection is ripped 1:1, minus DRM. I like to preserve as much as functionally possible. OP just takes that a step further and in an annoyingly public-outbursty kind of way.

For another perspective: years ago I contacted several developers after noticing cracked versions of their games were bundled with Amiga Forever. They all assured me they had given their blessing but they, themselves, only had the cracked versions to give; the source code and un-cracked copies lost to time.

I hope that somewhere in there I managed to "explain the taint" as I am not familiar with that idiom. And a tip of the hat to you too.
tipsy.jpg (19 Kb)
Weird, this is the only thread that isn't highlighted when a new post appears.
Lemon_Curry: Weird, this is the only thread that isn't highlighted when a new post appears.
that's because the op is low rated. it makes it like its been clicked when that happens
Lemon_Curry: Weird, this is the only thread that isn't highlighted when a new post appears.
coxdr: that's because the op is low rated. it makes it like its been clicked when that happens
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. :)
I used HxD and saw the file and it's not a "cracked" version from keops or anything like that, did gog ever use a "cracked" third party version? I dont think so... right now arcanum is not using that claim version, so before posting pics of false evidence do a little research first :)

rpgcodex is one of those forums where most of the users are trolls full of resentment
Post edited June 18, 2014 by Sirius1911
Sirius1911: I used HxD and saw the file and it's not a "cracked" version from keops or anything like that, did gog ever use a "cracked" third party version? I dont think so...
Yes, they did, and probably still do, which is perfectly fine and legal, as they do it with the blessing of the rights holders. Have I got evidence on hand? No, I don't, but there have been several threads about the same thing over the years where evidence has been presented. I'm even pretty sure that a blue has at one time or another confirmed that this takes place.

I don't know what people are butthurt over though. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing it that way.