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Wish List Sent via PM - Thanks again for taking this on - its always fun to Give and Get ;-)
Im in!!!
okay my final list....
the shivah
feeble files
(any broken sword games)
richard and alice
amnesia a machine for pigs
zork: grand inquisitor
the last express
book of unwritten tales: critter chronicles
oddworld abe's exoddus
oddworld abe's oddysee
Post edited December 15, 2013 by zavlin
Sounds fun, I'm in.
I'll put a wishlist together and post it later :-)


My wishlist:

Aarklash: Legacy
Alien Breed + Tower Assault
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
Cannon Fodder
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
The Chaos Engine
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Icewind Dale 2 Complete
Icewind Dale Complete
King's Quest 1+2+3
King's Quest 4+5+6
King's Quest 7+8
Leisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail!
Master of Orion 1+2
Pinball Gold Pack
Planescape: Torment
Pro Pinball Fantastic Journey
Pro Pinball Timeshock
Retro City Rampage
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™
Space Quest 1+2+3
Space Quest 4+5+6
Star Control 1+2
Temple of Elemental Evil, The
Triple Town
Ultima™ 4+5+6
Ultima™ 7 The Complete Edition
Ultima™ 8 Gold Edition
Ultima™ 9: Ascension
Ultima® Underworld 1+2
Wing Commander™ 1+2
Wing Commander™ 5: Prophecy
Wing Commander ®: Privateer ™
Post edited November 15, 2013 by Laziter
I'm also in!
Current wishlist is this, but some might be removed from it until the 14th:

$6 games
Broken Sword 2: Remastered + The Original Game
Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold
Dungeon Keeper 2
Empire Earth: Gold Edition
The Feeble Files
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
Master of Magic
Seven Kingdoms 2
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
Tex Murphy 1+2

$10 games
Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death (Secrets of the Ark)
Disciples 2 Gold
Empire Earth 2 Gold Edition
Gothic 2
Gothic 3
Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods
The Incredible Machine Mega Pack
Panzer General 2
Panzer General 3D Assault
The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary
The Settlers 2: Gold Edition
The Settlers 3: Ultimate Collection
The Settlers 4: Gold Edition
Smugglers V
Syberia 2
Tex Murphy: Overseer
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive
Post edited December 10, 2013 by blotunga
Participant list updated. We now have 23 Secret Santas! :)
It's that time of the year again? Nice, will PM wishlist at a later time (got to get one together first) :-)

nmillar: Participant list updated. We now have 23 Secret Santas! :)
Ha ha - as far as I can see Instructions are updated with a list of usernames.
You accidentally put the participants under Instructions ;-P
HypersomniacLive: It's that time of the year again? Nice, will PM wishlist at a later time (got to get one together first) :-)

Ha ha - as far as I can see Instructions are updated with a list of usernames.
You accidentally put the participants under Instructions ;-P
No idea what you're talking about ... ;)
nmillar: No idea what you're talking about ... ;)
Cheater ;-P
I'm in to give only, if possible. My wishlist is pretty bare this year.
NameGoo: I'm in to give only, if possible. My wishlist is pretty bare this year.
Yep, that's fine. We did the same last year for a few people. :)
Thanks for organizing this nmillar. Count me in, once I get a wishlist together.
This looks fun. Please add my name to the roster. I'll provide a wish list later.
I'd like to participate, if you'll have me. ;)

Thanks to nmillar for organizing!

Will edit in my wishlist or PM nmillar directly.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by mondo84
Secret Santas are always fun, I'm in!

I'll add in a wishlist a bit later.

Ze Wishlist:

Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Alien Shooter 2
Freespace 1
Wing Commander: Privateer

Papers, Please
Race the Sun
Avadon 2
Stronghold Crusader HD
Gothic 1
Gothic 2
Haegemonia Gold
Pharaoh + Cleopatra
Post edited December 10, 2013 by Melhelix
Whew, I am glad I checked the forum today. Count me in. This was fun last year. I will have my list updated after the day of turkey eating.