Time has almost come here, in my time zone, so...
Merry Christmas to you all!
I will be offline on Christmas day, so I hope my giftee is going to be happy: this is the best present for me.
Dischord: Reflective day where I feel a longing for something I knew, go to face it, and it recedes faster than I can catch or identify it. The Ghost of Christmas past, perhaps, but it somehow leaves you yearning for that which you cannot define.
Something is missing, and it seems to be endemic.
That's the *magic* you spoke of, isn't it? That's why people usually love or hate Christmas, but seldom are indifferent to it.
It's endemic, and it's passed on from a generation to the next one.
Dischord: My very best to all for a good holiday, and hope the moment never detracts from the magic.
My best wishes to you too: I hope your moment of joyful wait will last forever.