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Damnation: It is possible that zchinque could have a day cop ability, or a cap ability which may be used in the pre-game. Or he could just be riling people up. He does hide his role well in his behaviour though. My guess would more be towards a bully or a grumpy adult, rather than a cop-like character. That is, I feel he is more inclined to rile us rather than produce anything productive.
In regards to the second part of your statement, he seems to be very against roleplaying, so I doubt that that is what he is doing. And if he is an investigator, and Al1 is scum, a mafia lynch right off the bat is just what the town needs.
Typhoon45: In regards to the second part of your statement, he seems to be very against roleplaying, so I doubt that that is what he is doing. And if he is an investigator, and Al1 is scum, a mafia lynch right off the bat is just what the town needs.
That's a good point - perhaps his disapproval of roleplaying is merely to throw us off, however? Or perhaps he roleplays an opposite character?
In essence, it matters little at the moment. If he is right about Al1, lynching him today would be a most marvellous advance for the school. If he Al1 is, however, not mafia, then Zchinque would be strongly implicated towards being mafia himself. But would he truly be foolish enough to use such a blatant offense if he was? Despite a seemingly simple case, the situation about Zchinque is actually quite complicated.
Damnation: That's a good point - perhaps his disapproval of roleplaying is merely to throw us off, however? Or perhaps he roleplays an opposite character?
In essence, it matters little at the moment. If he is right about Al1, lynching him today would be a most marvellous advance for the school. If he Al1 is, however, not mafia, then Zchinque would be strongly implicated towards being mafia himself. But would he truly be foolish enough to use such a blatant offense if he was? Despite a seemingly simple case, the situation about Zchinque is actually quite complicated.
A third option: This is part of an extensive mafia plot to make Zchinque seem to be a day cop by implicating a fellow mafia stooge, as to remove him from suspicion later on. No matter what, I want to find out if he is able to back up his claim on Al1 or not, and the best way to do this is to lynch Al1 - for the sake of the children.
The tags may come out REALLY bad in this post, sorry in advance if so. Can't preview, sadly, I think.

Typhoon45: Fine. If I have to throw my lot in, I'll vote Al1 with Zchinque, because when Al1 is lynched I'll know if Z was playing us or not.

What? How does that even make sense? You're willing to trust him and vote along on a random person after asking him earlier why he was voting him and pressing him when you didn't get an answer?

Here's an ISO of typhoon's last few posts:
Typhoon45: I have to agree, the fact that Zchinque hasn't even trotted out a "random voting" excuse is kind of suspicious. Care to elaborate, Z?
Okay, asking for reason why he voted Al1.
Typhoon45: I'm going to call shenanigans on this one. It's just as likely the everyone who has voted so far is mafia as they are innocent, and that the Mafia is just egging everyone on by pointing the FoS at each other.

So screw rational discussion! I'm going vote nolynch until further notice.
Okay, so everyone voting so far could well be random, you are unwilling to put stock in it and want to essentially stay neutral. A little scummy because if you are scum, you know no one else is scum (assuming 2 factions), therefore there's no need to "go hunting". But it is still early.
Zchinque: Voting nolynch is terribad. Please stop.
Typhoon45: So explain your damn self already. If you are a day cop, then say so. If you are pretending to be a day cop to try and get a lynch, then pretend to be a day cop already. (Actually, this makes your scum claim make sense). Either way, you are obviously NOT getting a mass claim at this point, so you have to decide on what to do - from what I've seen, you seem to be trying to play this close to the belt, but the belt appears to be on the other side of the bloody school.
This is dangerously close to rolefishing. It's even more rolefishy than what Zch did by wondering about a claim, because you directly are mentioning roles and wondering if they are in the game (definition of rolefishing, which Mafia do to try to find the power roles to kill).

jesskitten: @Typhoon, you are right in that currently it's nearly impossible to tell the chaff from the wheat yet. But voting no-lynch isn't the way to go, as that's a firm declaration you're willing to go into night 1 with no lynch, which is the town's most powerful, and possibly only killing, tool. It goes far above and beyond saying "It's too unclear to vote right now." Why are you against rational discussion? If somehow that vote passed right now, it would be very advantageous for Mafia (killing off a free townie) but what would town gain from it since there has been nearly no discussion? We'd be back to square 1 with 1 less person and no meaningful evidence.
Typhoon45: I would like to point out that that post didn't go through about 3 times, so I was kind of ticked off when I was typing it up for the final sending. I'm all for rational discussion.

Can we start having some now? From what I've seen so far it has gone "you're Scum!" "No YOU'RE Scum!", etc.
Backtracking on an earlier post that was made fairly recently at the first sign of decent pressure (if you really disagreed with your own post, you already could have mentioned it immediately because you had another post in between) without any attempt to explain any bit of it. There are legit reasons to explain that post #63, no-lynch etc away, though I don't agree with them, but wishywashiness can be a fairly strong scum tell because it's like you're trying too hard not to offend anyone and stay neutral so no one suspects you.

Actually, it's worse because the one post you DID make in the middle also involved a reply to Zch's attack on #63, but since it was a short post you just rushed it off and attacked him instead, since he was already the largest wagon at the moment. Why didn't you use the "I was ticked off, I'm really all for rational discussion" post in #68 instead when Z asked?

Damnation: All it takes is for someone to start a rational discussion and not bide into the rampart and remedial accusations. If you have something you wish brought up for discussion, it would be most plausible it would be discussed intelligently if presented properly.
Typhoon45: Alrighty then, lets have a chat. Do you think that Zchinque could possibly be some kind of Day Cop? If so, what other kind of characters could be kicking around, to give a reason for that kind of advantage. In fact, we may be playing some sort of no-doctor game, in which case the town is in trouble. OR, Zchinque could be playing everyone, and just letting us jump to our own conclusions about his role.

Either way, I know that my nolynch vote does nothing helpful at this stage, but I am simply trying to establish my neutrality in this situation.
Gadzooks, MORE role fishing. Now asking for a doc too. And making sure everyone knows you're nice and neutral and unsuspecting. It's classic scum play, intended or otherwise.

That's fair enough, but we may as well make a guess anyway. At least there's one less suspect if we're wrong.
Typhoon45: unvote nolynch

Fine. If I have to throw my lot in, I'll vote Al1 with Zchinque, because when Al1 is lynched I'll know if Z was playing us or not.
And now to take the cake, you not only do not vote Zchinque, who you already suspected from earlier, but you vote his target, an innocent bandwagon, who you had no prior accusation for up till now, thus hoping that if Zchinque gets lynched and flips town (assuming the scenario you are mafia and you know he's town), you won't be seen on his major bandwagon. Why didn't you vote him since you were accusing him earlier? You know what he was doing by his vote on Al1? He's fishing for fishy reactions. And I think he got one.
Vote Typhoon45

And preview edit: I see more rolefishing. But gotta run for the moment. :P
jesskitten: snips
Yeah, you are right, I do jump around a lot. But that's how my thought process works. Anyways, if I wanted to bandwagon I could have just jumped on the Zchnique vote in the first place - but I didn't (like you said). I started to think of alternative roles and game setups, and realized that its perfectly possible to have alternative investigators on the field at this point.

The only reason that I moved so decisively is because people asked me to jump of the fence and choose where to land. I looked around, and realized that siding with Zchinque is a strategic move that could out a mafia in basically any way that it comes out. You don't have to believe me, but those are my motivations and I stand by them.

What do YOU think I should have done? Everyone is either jumping on people when they speak or waiting silently in the shadows. I made my choice, you made yours. But Zchnique is the person who is in trouble here, and I want to give him a chance to prove himself instead of riding a bandwagon into a gully, and dooming the school in the process.

P.S. I wasn't trying to rolefish. I was trying to get people thinking that this game may not have the same composition of characters as the last game, and that there may need to be more thinking involved when concerning other people's motivations.
All right, if we're going to be all meta-gamey about this, so be it.

Typhoon45: A third option: This is part of an extensive mafia plot to make Zchinque seem to be a day cop by implicating a fellow mafia stooge, as to remove him from suspicion later on. No matter what, I want to find out if he is able to back up his claim on Al1 or not, and the best way to do this is to lynch Al1 - for the sake of the children.
Your logic is confusing; for now, I'm not sure whether I think that's deliberate or not.

I'm sticking with my vote. What Zchinque is doing here is a pretty bold move, which, at this stage, is suspicious. Let's say he's legit, and a day cop or whatever. If so, the only consequence this can have for him (no matter how the lynching vote ends up today) is he's dead the next morning, unless there's a doctor around who happens to find his (Zchinque's) claims plausible. And that would be a shameful waste of a valuable role, as Zchinque no doubt knows.

If he isn't legit, he might be pulling a gamble within a gamble, or just trying to persuade the town to lynch someone innocent. Both options are fairly plausible and can develop in various ways, out of both of which he could theoretically weasel out.

For these reasons, I believe it's simply more likely for Zchinque to be mafia than not. At this stage, I don't expect to have anything better to go on.

Once again: Zchinque, why are you targeting AI1 and, more importantly, what makes you so sure about him?
bazilisek: snip
But he called for a mass role claim. If we had, he would be able to freely claim day cop as his role, allowing a doctor to back him up and for a scum to be lynched. In fact, a mass role claim has started to become beneficial now that suspicion has started to fall on various people, giving us an order to claim in. BUT I would like to hear more from various non-participants first, especially considering that actual votes with actual bases to them are starting to fly around.

Specifically, I would like to hear from:

PAZZER: You jumped into the conversation with a vote, and then backed it up saying that someone contradicted themselves. We were just warming to the game at that point, so do you have anything more to say?

NMILLAR: Whenever you jump in, all that you do is tell Zchinque to reveal his motivations for voting Al1, and for everyone else to guess who to vote against. I would like to hear a bit more from you, especially concerning your thoughts on how the situation is developing.

ZCHINQUE: Seriously, explain yourself or retract your vote. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt for now, but you've seen how I've been jumping to conclusions lately.
Typhoon45: Snip
At this moment in time, I have nothing more to add that hasn't already been said. I'm very suspicious of Zchinque at the moment since he refuses to answer the questions about his reasoning for voting Al1.
At the time being, I, myself, find Zchinque's actions questionable - even if he is just fishing for fishy behaviour as jesskitten says - besides, how could jesskitten know this unless he/she conspires with Zchinque? Food for thought, mind you, not an accusation.

Other than Zchinque, jesskitten made a very good point against Typhoon, and his claims against it seems to be standard evasion tactics. Read into this what you will, but Typhoon's explanations did not seem to have much merit in counterpointing. I will not condemn him, but I will raise my brow in his direction when he speaks.

nmillar seems to be cautious, nothing more. Bazilisek seems to have moved beyond her momentary bimboness and stepped up, backing up jesskitten's point against Typhoon.

So far, Zchinque's reason for his vote on Al1 is still missing, as is a proper counterpoint from Typhoon. A further note - Al1 has not done much about the claim made against him, he seems to merely dismiss it - perhaps he thinks he is safe enough because it turns the heat towards Zchinque more than it does himself?
I would like to clarify something. My suspicions against Zchinque were directed at his motivations. I still suspect him, but I don't want to just vote for him to be lynched in case he is pro-town. On the other hand, if he is Mafia, this can be proved with a lynch of Al1.

He claimed that Al1 was scum.

If we lynch Al1, we discover if he is scum or not, while learning if Zchinque is an investigative role or mafia.

If we lynch Zchinque, we learn if he was an investigative role, mafia, or a paranoid whistle blower who just wanted to get conversation rolling.

I decided that backing him up was more beneficial than not.

P.S. Sorry if the tags screw up.
Hmmm, Typhoon45 retracted his "no lynch" stance after Zchinque informed him it was "terribad". Is Typhoon45 following the direction of his mafioso superior?
nmillar: Hmmm, Typhoon45 retracted his "no lynch" stance after Zchinque informed him it was "terribad". Is Typhoon45 following the direction of his mafioso superior?
*Sigh* I retracted it after many people (I quoted you in the very same post, nmillar), told me to just vote against someone already. Maybe YOU are my mafioso superior?

I should have stuck with the nolynch. :'(
nmillar: Hmmm, Typhoon45 retracted his "no lynch" stance after Zchinque informed him it was "terribad". Is Typhoon45 following the direction of his mafioso superior?
That's a bold claim, is it not?
We do not know if he is following Zchinque, but it is an interesting assumption.

On Typhoon's theory on how much we would learn from lynching either Al1 or Zchinque - obviously lynching Zchinque teches us more? It teaches us exactly if he is a whistle blower, which lynching Al1 does not. And yes, there is the chance of Zchinque being just a whistle blower.
nmillar: Hmmm, Typhoon45 retracted his "no lynch" stance after Zchinque informed him it was "terribad". Is Typhoon45 following the direction of his mafioso superior?
Typhoon45: *Sigh* I retracted it after many people (I quoted you in the very same post, nmillar), told me to just vote against someone already. Maybe YOU are my mafioso superior?

I should have stuck with the nolynch. :'(
Lol, I forgot I posted that too. My bad!
Damnation: On Typhoon's theory on how much we would learn from lynching either Al1 or Zchinque - obviously lynching Zchinque teaches us more? It teaches us exactly if he is a whistle blower, which lynching Al1 does not. And yes, there is the chance of Zchinque being just a whistle blower.
I was thinking that keeping the investigator for another day (if indeed that was the result) tipped the scales in the anti-Al1 favor, more so than lynching Zchinque to find out that he was right all along.

It's just playing with odds, and looking for the best possible outcome.