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mrkgnao: I now tend to believe that Robbeasy's first vote (the "train" one) may not have been a bussing attempt but rather an attempt to distance himself from adalia, an attempt that may have gone wrong when adalia misunderstood or panicked. After adalia became entangled and suspected by many, Robbeasy's second vote was the real bussing. It's still based primarily on the "Can you see why I'm doing this?" comment.
HijacK: You know, yog's accusations are too based on a bussing theory. Which makes me wonder, how come both of you use the same basis for your supposed suspects. Seems to me like you're trying the waters and see what sticks.
Mrk's theory is that Robb carefully, deliberately pre-planned his bus of Adalia. My theory was that you did it on accident. Not similar, I think.

I will try to put together a re-analysis of the whole table tonight (10 or 11 hours from now) without rehashing old stuff.
As your fly, your console goes beep bilip blip. Bidipip. Pweeet tiruli blip gadabonk kwek kewk arooha. Blip blup bup. Teet. Teet. Dong. Ktritchi. Bip bop bop. Beep. Beeeeeeep. Bop. Teet. Teeteeteeteet. Gonk. Kwakakwaka. Beep. Bleeep. Hounga. Ding. Beep beep beep. Nuut nuut nuut. Gekek gekek gekek. Meep. Meep. Beeeeeeep (again). Mup mup gondogolong. Tchirp tchipr tchirp tchirp tchirp. Honk. Glouc. Ping buzzzz ping. Rrrrrrrrr. Honk honkity honk. Beep. Woop woop. Nit nit nit. Wak wak wak wak wak. Kekekek. (pause) Boo. Ding dong. Blop. Bidibidi. Meep. Mup. Glouk. Scree. Beep beep beep.

And other very high tech space sounds of that ilk.

Vitek has 1 vote, cast by Dedoporno.
Robbeasy has 1 vote, cast by CSPVG.
Yogsloth has 1 vote, cast by Sage103082.
Krypsyn has 2 votes, cast by Trentolf and DarkoD13.
DarkoD13 has 1 vote, cast by Krypsyn.
CSPVG has 2 vote, cast by Vitek and Robbeasy.

Hijack, Trentonlf, Mrkgnao, Sage103082 and Dedoporno have no vote cast o them.

Hijack, Yogsloth and Mrkgnao aren't currently voting.

The day will end when 6 votes will be reached, or, failing that, on the 16th of November.
Post edited November 02, 2014 by Telika
DarkoD13: I call him a liar and he doesn't address it, moves on to "humorous" posts.
Address what? You mention a Godfather and try to possibly shift night actions with:

DarkoD13: d) He is mafia and he wants to direct nightly attention to himself and/or me and away from others. If he's trying to direct town's attention to him, it could mean a godfather role. On a side note, my first forum mafia game was a Telika game. I was town cop and I investigated mafia's godfather on Night 1. Didn't go too well.
So, I called you out on it much like I did with yogsloth with the doctor thing, for similar reasons.

DarkoD13: Whatever you're doing, you've earned this.
At least you have finally voted, so that addresses my second point. You were throw out accusations, but then hedging (hence the barbed wire on fences remark).

DarkoD13: Which made me think jester, but there are easier ways to go about that and I don't think Telika would use such a role.
Vitek: Also trivia, who knows my rule about jesters?
Krypsyn, perhaps? I think you should be closely familiar with it. ;-)

mrkgnao: ... but given Krypsyn's wierd behaviour ...
You and several others have brought this up. Would, you, or one of the others please elucidate me on how my behavior is 'weird'? I made a reads list, and put my vote on the person I believe is most scummy. As the situation changed in the game, I switched my vote to stay on the person I believe is scummiest at that point. What more would you have me do?

Ahh, you mention this later:

mrkgnao: However, shifting his vote back and forth between Darko and Vitek is not something I associate with him (but I played only one game with him).
As I said above, I switched my vote as new information came to light (whether something I missed/forgot, or actual new information). Would you rather I keep my vote on someone I think has a lesser chance to be scum?
Krypsyn: Address what?
I'm not doing whatever this is. You're not even reading the thread. My vote stays put.
DarkoD13: I'm not doing whatever this is. You're not even reading the thread. My vote stays put.
@ yogs if you are suspecting Hijack and building a case as you previously stated, Is there a reason you have not voted fro him yet?
Sage103082: @ yogs if you are suspecting Hijack and building a case as you previously stated, Is there a reason you have not voted fro him yet?
He did vote for Hijack, but unvoted in post 1136 and gave his reasonings why
Sage103082: @ yogs if you are suspecting Hijack and building a case as you previously stated, Is there a reason you have not voted fro him yet?
trentonlf: He did vote for Hijack, but unvoted in post 1136 and gave his reasonings why
Thank you for pointing that out.
For the rest of you, I really dislike mentioning jesters.

Funny coincidence is that I was reading Game 13 yesterday just about time when I read this thread as well.

In that game Krypsyn mentioned jester. I gave him hard time for it.
In that game Gazoinks mentioned he is trying different approach for that game from his previous ones. He got hard time for it as well.

Point? They were both scum. ;-)

If you are interested here are relevant posts:
Krypsyn mentions jester.]
Gazoinks is trying different approach.[/url]
Vítek not liking jester mention and wants people to shut up about things he dislike. (this one's for you mrkgnao ;-))
Vítek explains why he does not like jester mentions.

Good times.
Sage103082: @ yogs if you are suspecting Hijack and building a case as you previously stated, Is there a reason you have not voted fro him yet?
How could you possibly have been paying this little attention to what I have been doing, yet felt you had enough information to place your vote for me?
Vitek: Vítek explains why he does not like jester mentions.
I believe you have just shown that a jester discussion could be a useful thing. It might be an indication that whoever raises it first could be doing so for the wrong reasons (i.e. because he's scum).

What is "neutral hunting"?
mrkgnao: I believe you have just shown that a jester discussion could be a useful thing. It might be an indication that whoever raises it first could be doing so for the wrong reasons (i.e. because he's scum).

What is "neutral hunting"?
Bah, it's not. Discussing not. You can vote the person who mentioned it but you don't discuss it and don't follow on someone's mention. :-)

What it says on label. It is going after neutrals (survivor, SK, ...) instead of going after mafia. One mentions how he thinks someone could be neutral and perhaps tries to get him lynched. Or just brings up that it is possible neutral is present and town should beware.
Mafia like to use it because they can genuinely hunt and it shifts attention from them.
Sage103082: @ yogs if you are suspecting Hijack and building a case as you previously stated, Is there a reason you have not voted fro him yet?
yogsloth: How could you possibly have been paying this little attention to what I have been doing, yet felt you had enough information to place your vote for me?
I must apologize. I went alone on Telika's vote list and did not look up anything today. I have picked up a a nasty cold when I took Mom to the Drs the other day. Also you are no longer on my list of top suspects as I am still looking at you with a side eye I feel a lot of things have changed and some posts have opened my eyes to other possibilities. Also I fear I may be guilty of attaching on to one thing and sticking to it. Then in turn everything I see I am finding a way to make a case and that is not exactly a good thing. I have started new notes yesterday and will share them when I do finish (most likely tomorrow unless my meds kick in soon) my re-read of the last week if anyone is interested.

unvote yogsloth /b]
mrkgnao: I freely admit that the cases against all three of my suspected scum are not particulry strong (which is why all three are "tend to scum", not "strong scum"). But if I look around I don't see anyone making a significantly stronger case, which is why our combined scum list has eleven names on it.
If you were forced to place a vote right now, how would you rank those three?
yogsloth: Can you elaborate on why you deemed it beneficial to town to reveal your ship model? Do you still feel that was the correct thing to do at the time?
One does actually feel like it was the best thing to do. As I have stated before, I felt that when we all need to claim and I had to reveal my ship model, you'd all turn around and say,"Hey wait, that's just adalia's ship model, he's lying about his given ship model."

I felt it especially pressing since we did not only share the same ship model (Iniurfas IV), but the same function (fighterbomer).

Other than that Rob is still trying to drum up support for lynching me, people are calling out Krypsyn for 'weird' behaviour (which I myself do not see), and flub is supposedly stringing us all along with numbered avatars. All seems right with the world, and I don't have much to contribute.