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mrkgnao: - Robbeasy
No change. I slightly modified my read of the day #1 events concerning him and adalia, but I won't bother anyone with the details, as I don't believe there's much interest at the moment.
Not sure I like the last sentence. You mentioned Yogs talking and posting is a good thing as it gets everyone talking, But you do not want to explain what changed in your review of Rob. Why? Other then you feel no one is interested. You are normally very open to talking about your feeling and reasoning. not sure why the sudden change here.

mrkgnao: However, his move on CSPVG makes me view him as potentially more dangerous to the town than the mafia themselves.
HijacK: Also, I just wanted to point this out: This, coming from a player who game #23 openly role claimed Day 1 and encouraged others to do so as well is so ironically hypocritical that I can't even laugh. Not even in disgust.
I do remember MrK role claiming Day 1 but I do not remember him asking everyone else to do it as well.
HijacK: Also, I just wanted to point this out: This, coming from a player who game #23 openly role claimed Day 1 and encouraged others to do so as well is so ironically hypocritical that I can't even laugh. Not even in disgust.
Sage103082: I do remember MrK role claiming Day 1 but I do not remember him asking everyone else to do it as well.
Oh, but encouragement was there. It was not much different from what I did by asking CSPVG to claim. I was just more blunt, because I had a very good plan how to catch scum and I didn't want to waste time sugar coating posts like other people.
HijacK: Oh, but encouragement was there.
That happened only after a lot of people started claiming, with me taking the lead.

HijacK: I was just more blunt, because I had a very good plan how to catch scum and I didn't want to waste time sugar coating posts like other people.
Had? Does that mean things have changed now?
Sage103082: I do remember MrK role claiming Day 1 but I do not remember him asking everyone else to do it as well.
HijacK: Oh, but encouragement was there. It was not much different from what I did by asking CSPVG to claim. I was just more blunt, because I had a very good plan how to catch scum and I didn't want to waste time sugar coating posts like other people.
What plan did you have, I may have missed it as I was off most of yesterday with Halloween things and have not completely caught back up yet. Can you give a post number or a link? Or have you not explained the plan yet? If not can you.
HijacK: Oh, but encouragement was there. It was not much different from what I did by asking CSPVG to claim. I was just more blunt, because I had a very good plan how to catch scum and I didn't want to waste time sugar coating posts like other people.
Sage103082: What plan did you have, I may have missed it as I was off most of yesterday with Halloween things and have not completely caught back up yet. Can you give a post number or a link? Or have you not explained the plan yet? If not can you.
I could, but in all honesty it would probably hurt town more than it would help at the moment, but if the situation arises, I will put it in motion and explain what I have in mind. The plan itself is similar to what dedo pulled in #23, but in a way it's safer and not really. It depends on which one of my 3 theories on the now forbidden theme of ship models is proved correct.
Still looking at Krypsyn's posts with a WTF expression on my face.
I call him a liar and he doesn't address it, moves on to "humorous" posts. Which made me think jester, but there are easier ways to go about that and I don't think Telika would use such a role.

Whatever you're doing, you've earned this.

Vote Krypsyn

The mafia are laughing their socks off people - we are fractured and nowhere near getting a consensus on who to lynch next.

Mafia love this sort of thing - anyone coming up with any sort of theory at this point can be picked apart and confusion reigns - this is where the first night kill of Flubbucket comes good. Because he left little to go on he was an ideal target.

Now we have to pull together and make some decisions. My vote is on CSPVG and will not move. Me and him (and mrkgnao) have been at loggerheads all day. When you have two factions going at it like that its a good idea to sort it out early. As I have already said, and as a confirmation that I'm not trying anything on, I'm happy to get lynched myself, as I think the information revealed, and the way day 2 has panned out means I'm confident the remaining town players will be able to sort the scum form the town.

We need to do something and soon, or we are drifting towards a no-lynch on day 2, which is a disaster...
Robbeasy: AAaargh!

The mafia are laughing their socks off people - we are fractured and nowhere near getting a consensus on who to lynch next.

Mafia love this sort of thing - anyone coming up with any sort of theory at this point can be picked apart and confusion reigns - this is where the first night kill of Flubbucket comes good. Because he left little to go on he was an ideal target.

Now we have to pull together and make some decisions. My vote is on CSPVG and will not move. Me and him (and mrkgnao) have been at loggerheads all day. When you have two factions going at it like that its a good idea to sort it out early. As I have already said, and as a confirmation that I'm not trying anything on, I'm happy to get lynched myself, as I think the information revealed, and the way day 2 has panned out means I'm confident the remaining town players will be able to sort the scum form the town.

We need to do something and soon, or we are drifting towards a no-lynch on day 2, which is a disaster...
What is your opinion on Krypsyn and his odd behavior?
I understand your suspicion of CSPVG and mrkgnao. I also don't believe their theory, but I find Krypsyn's behavior odd too and would like your opinion.

I lay out my impression of him and he makes a princess joke.
Darko calls him a liar, and Krypsyn makes a joke.
His, what I believe to be, false accusations against Darko.

I believe his erratic behavior can't be his normal play.

I will agree to come to a consensus for a lynch as we can not have a no lynch, the scum only benefit from that. But, I would like others thoughts on Krypsyn before I consider changing my vote.
Even if it may be unfair sometimes, I find "I am trying different approach" very scummy. Almost every time I have seen it (here and even on MTGS) it was coming from scum. Sure they often claim after the game it was unrelated to them being mafia and they did it to try something new, but I somwhat think they are just fooling themselves and it is just excuse to explain they different play as mafia.

Also trivia, who knows my rule about jesters?
Krypsyn, perhaps? I think you should be closely familiar with it. ;-)
Many thoughts in my head, but on mobile and hate typing on this thing. Just want to say quickly Krypsyn is off his bleed in' nut. Jester might be real possibility. Caution about quick vote for him. Playing long game somehow.
Vitek: ...
That explains:
" Hijack - neutral - not like role fishing but that's it "

As far as I'm concerned, the only thing saving you right now is Krypsyn. :D
DarkoD13: That explains:
" Hijack - neutral - not like role fishing but that's it "

As far as I'm concerned, the only thing saving you right now is Krypsyn. :D
I see no problem.
Has he even said he is trying different approach? (serious question, I don't read and remember anythi... I mean everything) And is it different approach or is he just less abrasive than in last game?

You people!
Vitek: ...
DarkoD13: That explains:
" Hijack - neutral - not like role fishing but that's it "
I was just working on going back to see Viteks opinion on Hijack change
I wonder what is flub claiming with his new avatar.
Little pet shop drinking game?