You spiral between enemy fighters, warships and projectile sprays, but your mind races about what happened to the Telika and what it implies. Reactions fill up the comm channel, but at this point it is just knee-jerk suspicions based on personalities and relations. As you stabilise your trajectory in a vast curve, you decide to start thinking about it more rationally and analytically...
Hijack has 1 vote, from DarkoD13
Trentonlf has 1 vote, from Krypsyn
Yogsloth has 1 vote, from Robbeasy
Sage103082 has 1 vote, from Vitek
Krypsyn has 1 vote, from Trentonlf
DarkoD13 has 1 vote, from Adaliabooks
Vitek, Robbeasy, Mrkgnao, Adaliabooks, CSPVG and Dedopono have no votes.
HijacK, Yogsloth, Mrkgnao, Sage103082, Flubbucket, CSPVG and Dedoporno are not voting.
With 13 active players, a lynch is decided at 7 votes.
Post edited October 10, 2014 by Telika