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Vitek: "No more than 2 of the remaining people on the list may be mafia" That's stating of obvious and what I was calling out because it was needless filler.
And you are making much bigger fuss about it than it deserves.
It seems that discussing this with you any further with you is just wasted time, so I'll stop right now. I don't really care how you take it.

Vitek: What I wanted to know more is what is "PGO thing" that Rob had nothing to do with.
I referred to the discussion on the PGO role claim where most of the players considered possibilities and approaches.

Vitek: Then show me numerous examples of you going after trenton on D2 and show me example of mentioning me on D1. That's what I was saying, not the thing you answered.
I don't need to show you anything, really, but since I'm nice like that I'll list a couple of posts.

#422 + #439
dedoporno: This is what makes me not raise my eyebrow at Trent the most. [the "not" is a mistake and it's shouldn't be there]
So far my top suspects are adaliabooks and trentolf. I'm not too sure about the third one, though.
dedoporno: I didn't say trentonlf used it against me (well, he kinda did, he tried to focus some attention towards me and the results are there :) ), I just noted I think he was way too concerned about it, both times. First time was somewhat acceptable (for me, that is), but the second time around I actually expected something along the lines of "This again?! Hahah...", but I got a "The numbers, Mason. What do they mean?!" instead. Both from trentonlf. I find this odd, to say the least. It's not enough for voting for him since I see adaliabooks's behacior way more suspicious, but I have to at least acknowledge it.
I don't really like you putting words in my mouth, either. I said notes, not evidence.

It seems you expect me to convince you of your own guilt in some way, which is nonsensical. If I arrive at the point where I believe you are scum you will be the last person that I need to persuade.

HijacK: That adds up to 3.
That adds up to 2. Vitek and trentonlf. If you take a look at the post again, you'll see it's a response to Vitek's questions and comments and it's directed towards him.
HijacK: Real life issues. Big universities opened their application season and only have 1 or 2 months. Since Monday I was busy daily with school work, completing paperwork for letters of recommendation, and trying to get community service hours. I haven't even read the thread again in spite of being almost constantly at PC.
Battling sexists and illogical pricks is easy compared to the investigation in this game.
Good luck with your application. If I may be so bold as to ask, what field are you applying for?
Criminology, perhaps?

HijacK: I am up to date with the posts however, and so far there are quite a few odd things that stand out. The thing is, they are just too many to call them all out. I'm reading and re-reading recent posts (not the Empire State building sized ones) thinking of scenarios. So far half of the people here did something scummy to me in Day 2. I'm trying to make a criteria on how to grade the scummines.
Also, shredding someone's posts without a good explanation is unproductive. So far the explanations I came up with are lackluster. The players remaining in the game are in a higher league than adalia.
I am looking forward to your readings. Most of your day #1 posts made sense to me. Don't delay too much, though. Your day #2 contributions are not up to par.

Just before adaliabooks' lynch, you made a guess about him (post #554), knowing that soon thereafter the truth will be revealed. That took guts. You were ultimately proven wrong, but you were willing to go on a limb and risk being wrong, which I respect.

Awaiting what shall follow.
Krypsyn: I really just need to give myself a time-out from that dang game, it is true.
My girlfriend playing in Finland managed to get hindu heir today. I am looking forward to hindu Finland. :-)
(Also I meant deposed, not disposed)

Krypsyn: Because I didn't think it was relevant. In Game 23, I mentioned a few times in the Observer Thread that I like the way Sage plays. Does that make me a moderator in this game?
I guess you did. It wasn't the strongest statement ever but you mentioned her.

"As for Sage, I have seen in both game #22 and in game #23 that her analysis is solid. She often seems to talk herself out of the correct action though."

Still, the way you quoted it and left out actual reason why he suspects you and only commented how you like Sage's play doesn't bode too well. It seems like only purpose of that quoting was to state how much you admire some other player's play and made trenton's reasoning look worse by painting like he only suspects you for liking Sage's play. It was relevant a lot, IMO.

mrkgnao: I assume you mean 23, not 24, unless there's something you want to share with us...
I suppose I have indeed meant 23. >_>
Vitek: Still, the way you quoted it and left out actual reason why he suspects you and only commented how you like Sage's play doesn't bode too well. It seems like only purpose of that quoting was to state how much you admire some other player's play and made trenton's reasoning look worse by painting like he only suspects you for liking Sage's play. It was relevant a lot, IMO.
Ahh, I see. I omitted parts on trentonlf's quote because that was the only portion I was planning to respond to. I didn't think talking about my actions in a previous game needed to be discussed in this game. If you think discussing my possible meta here, and whether the way I word things is has more to do with my possible alignment than it just being the way I talk, then I'm game. I just think it is a monumental waste of time.
dedoporno: I referred to the discussion on the PGO role claim where most of the players considered possibilities and approaches.
Oh, OK.
So it worries you that Rob wasn't discussing adalia's claim, do I get it right?

dedoporno: I don't need to show you anything, really, but since I'm nice like that I'll list a couple of posts.
So once again. I want you to show me when you continued with your suspicion of trenton on DAY 2, because it looked like you mostly dropped him. I am well aware you suspected him on DAY 1, I mentioned that myself you don't need to show that. But suddenly on DAY 2, you seemed quite disinterested by him.
The same way I was asking if you ever mentioned me on DAY 1 because, unless I am mistaken, you said that I was one of your suspects back then.

dedoporno: It seems you expect me to convince you of your own guilt in some way, which is nonsensical. If I arrive at the point where I believe you are scum you will be the last person that I need to persuade.
No, I expect you to present evidence/reasoning when you suspect someone. Is it that much to ask? How else do you want to persuade others to follow you and allow the other person to defend itself?
HijacK: Real life issues. Big universities opened their application season and only have 1 or 2 months. Since Monday I was busy daily with school work, completing paperwork for letters of recommendation, and trying to get community service hours. I haven't even read the thread again in spite of being almost constantly at PC.
Battling sexists and illogical pricks is easy compared to the investigation in this game.
mrkgnao: Good luck with your application. If I may be so bold as to ask, what field are you applying for?
Criminology, perhaps?
Thanks! My main focus is genetics and neuroscience, but if I don't get to an university specialized in that field, I'll just go with something else on my list. UC Berkeley is one of the best medical and science research schools in US. Hopefully I'll get in.
However, I will certainly do something related to science and mathematics even if I don't go there.

HijacK: I am up to date with the posts however, and so far there are quite a few odd things that stand out. The thing is, they are just too many to call them all out. I'm reading and re-reading recent posts (not the Empire State building sized ones) thinking of scenarios. So far half of the people here did something scummy to me in Day 2. I'm trying to make a criteria on how to grade the scummines.
Also, shredding someone's posts without a good explanation is unproductive. So far the explanations I came up with are lackluster. The players remaining in the game are in a higher league than adalia.
mrkgnao: I am looking forward to your readings. Most of your day #1 posts made sense to me. Don't delay too much, though. Your day #2 contributions are not up to par.

Just before adaliabooks' lynch, you made a guess about him (post #554), knowing that soon thereafter the truth will be revealed. That took guts. You were ultimately proven wrong, but you were willing to go on a limb and risk being wrong, which I respect.

Awaiting what shall follow.
Will get to re-reading the posts later tonight after I'm done with a project. Will post around midnight here.
yogsloth: One for you, too, Mr. Meyow.
One what?

yogsloth: Hypothetical - what if you knew for a fact Robb was town? Say it's day three, Robb has been lynched and flipped town - would that end your "adalia was bussed" theory? I think it's quite possible he was bussed... but if he was, Robb isn't my guy.
Depends what exactly you mean by bussed.

If by bussed you mean at least one scum was on his wagon, then I'd be surprised if that weren't case, regardless of Robbeasy. In other words, I tend to believe there is at least one scum on the adaliabooks wagon, given the long time between vote #3 and vote #7.

If by bussed you mean that a scum intentionally initiated the wagon, then the only options besides Robbeasy are you and me. I voted #2 and you voted #3 shortly thereafter, so that while Robbeasy created the wagon, we set it in motion. Even if trentonlf (vote #4) flips scum, I wouldn't consider him to have initiated the wagon. Since you're hinting at suspecting someone, I assume you're suspecting me, and not you. I know I didn't bus adaliabooks. At the moment I don't think you did either, but I'm understandably less sure about it than I am about myself.
Vitek: No, I expect you to present evidence/reasoning when you suspect someone. Is it that much to ask? How else do you want to persuade others to follow you and allow the other person to defend itself?
I haven't started persuading anyone of anything just yet, have I? I haven't taken any steps in your direction other than sharing you are on my suspect list. Why do you feel the need to defend yourself so soon?

Vitek: So once again. I want you to show me when you continued with your suspicion of trenton on DAY 2, because it looked like you mostly dropped him. I am well aware you suspected him on DAY 1, I mentioned that myself you don't need to show that. But suddenly on DAY 2, you seemed quite disinterested by him.
OK, now you are really starting to annoy me.

Day 2 started with trentonlf sharing his night episode. I believe I invested a fair amount of time in questioning him and looking at different scenarios, because I didn't trust him on D1 and I don't trust him now.

I don't trust you, either. You started pushing me right after I mentioned my suspicions of you and flub's list which makes suspect you even more. You are demanding answers and evidence from me, but as I said earlier I don't need to persuade you of anything. At most I'll need to persuade others of your guilt if I decide this is the way to go.

You ask a lot, but don't give anything back. Attack is the best defense? Remind me where were you where adaliabooks' wagon was building up.

It's past 4AM here and I don't plan to waste any more time with this dialogue after this post until evidence of your Town alignment are present and your opinion starts to matter to me.
yogsloth: One for you, too, Mr. Meyow.
mrkgnao: One what?

yogsloth: Hypothetical - what if you knew for a fact Robb was town? Say it's day three, Robb has been lynched and flipped town - would that end your "adalia was bussed" theory? I think it's quite possible he was bussed... but if he was, Robb isn't my guy.
mrkgnao: Depends what exactly you mean by bussed.

If by bussed you mean at least one scum was on his wagon, then I'd be surprised if that weren't case, regardless of Robbeasy. In other words, I tend to believe there is at least one scum on the adaliabooks wagon, given the long time between vote #3 and vote #7.

If by bussed you mean that a scum intentionally initiated the wagon, then the only options besides Robbeasy are you and me. I voted #2 and you voted #3 shortly thereafter, so that while Robbeasy created the wagon, we set it in motion. Even if trentonlf (vote #4) flips scum, I wouldn't consider him to have initiated the wagon. Since you're hinting at suspecting someone, I assume you're suspecting me, and not you. I know I didn't bus adaliabooks. At the moment I don't think you did either, but I'm understandably less sure about it than I am about myself.
No worries. Thanks for answering.
HijacK: Thanks! My main focus is genetics and neuroscience, but if I don't get to an university specialized in that field, I'll just go with something else on my list. UC Berkeley is one of the best medical and science research schools in US. Hopefully I'll get in.
Cool! I studied medicine and worked for 10 years in medical research (infectious diseases and vaccines).
Good luck!
yogsloth: Day one you (correctly) shredded adalia for weak posting and faulty reasoning. Day two, there is one poster making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical, but you are silent.
Who is it you see as making arguments even more aimless and nonsensical than adaliabooks did on day 1? You did also jump on adalibooks on day one, but I have not seen you really do the same here on day 2. It's an odd question to ask unless you were just wanting Hijack to name someone, and the question would still be an odd way to ask. This is the second time I've asked you this since you posted the question too.
mrkgnao: There's a sentence that has been bugging me for almost two weeks now. I've mentioned it before, but I'd like to elborate now. It's in Robbeasy's post #142: "Can you see why I'm doing this?".

The full context is:
"@Adaliabooks - Vitek said 'I am Spaceship'. What made you reply 'I am Train'? Just a flippant remark? Can you see why I'm doing this?"

There are two things that struck me as weird:
- Why ask this "Can you see why I'm doing this?" at all?
SInce when does one challenge someone by questioning his posts and voting on him, only to end it with this kind of question, the answer to which is rather obvious ("because you're scum hunting"). My first reaction to reading this was (and still is) that it was "apologetic" in tone.
- Why use the word "doing"?
I would expect "asking" here.

Well, now that we know that adaliabooks was mafia, my feeling is that what this sentence actually says is:
"Can you see why I, as your scumbuddy, am doing this?"
"Can you see why I, as your scumbuddy, am paving the road on which to bus you later on today?"

This, compounded with:
1) His taking what I am certain was a meaningless "train" joke on adaliabooks' part and using it as a pretext for scum hunting.
2) His voting strategy. He claims to use votes to pressure people, but it seems remarkably similar to voting at will to see what sticks, to see what the town will "buy".
I didn't check, but I wouldn't be surprised if some old-timer comes up with the argument "he always plays like this".
Well, this argument is meaningless to me. He wouldn't be much of a player if he changed his style based on his alignment.
I still remember Ixam's comment at the end of game #22, where he expressed his surprise at how much Krypsyn's Scum and Town play align.
3) The unconvincing argument he made when placing a vote on trentonlf in post #674 (I commented on that in post #677).
4) The list of "suspects" he prepared in post #691, which conveniently "exonerates" a large group of people (him, me, yogsloth, Krypsyn, CSPVG, to some degree dedoporno) and "points the finger" at another large group of people (HijacK, Vitek, Trentonlf, Sage, DarkoD13). Again trying to see which one sticks without committing to anyone in particular?
5) The points already raised by CSPVG in post #584.

all put him at the top my scum list.

More on other players later.
Really? You're going to go after the person who voted Adalia early, then once back on after further slips didn't budge once. And - you're going to try and make it look like some magical one line command i managed to get Adaliabooks to understand and take note of. Okkaaaay....

I'll tell you why i put that line. I know my name (Robbeasy) is a spaceship. Vitek stated he was a spaceship. Adalia immediately replied with 'I'm a train'. It struck me as odd and I wanted to know if Adalia somehow WASN'T a spaceship - this would tell me he was different flavour, therefore different , therefore scum.
The reason I said 'Can you see why I'm doing this ?' (And please, linguistics?? The 'Doing' referred to the vote, not the question!). Anyway, the reason I asked why was because I was trying to get Adalia to expand on what Vitek had put, without revealing that I was a spaceship. As simple as that.

My voting strategy - a classic. 'See what will stick, and what town will buy'. Scum points right there. It was DAY1!! ANY theory is bound to be flimsy! And in Day 2 I believe I am at least trying to use what few FACTS we have - ie Adalias posts, and bandwagon analysis. ANYONE can say what you said - we all have limited knowledge, so its easy to say -'bah, hes just slinging mud around'..

I'll say it again - the vote is the only weapon we have . It applies pressure, it induces slips, and makes Mafia uncomfortable. As prime example, I present Adaliabooks - crumbled under pressure , once a few votes went on and was questioned closely.

Trentonolf vote - why not? He was the only one to get on then off the wagon, and end up not voting for Adalia when the hammer came down. Scum points for him, and more than enough reason to vote. A bus at vote 4 is very reasonable - he could easily jump off once closer to hammer - and my! Thats exactly what he did!!

The 'large' group of people it exonerates...i NEVER said that. I said 'at least one mafia' was highly likely to be in that group. Logically, this would mean that another member would be in the other group!! I was merely saying I would be concentrating on that group for the moment, as it was highly likely one of them was a Mafia member - in my view.

So all in all mrkgnao - I apologise for scum hunting, i apologise for analysis of the only facts we have available, I apologise for voting and sticking to the one Mafia member we have already managed to lynch.

And yeah, that last line was sarcasm...;)
yogsloth: One for you, too, Mr. Meyow. I find it unlikely that adalia had the wherewithal in his 2nd mafia game - and first as scum - to adapt to a plan like this. I think if he got bussed he wasn't terribly happy about it.
This presumes that books could do something about Robbeasy's vote. While he may not have been experienced enough to fall in line on cue, he may have done so out of sheer inability to do anything else. What was he going to say? "Yes I'm scum, and just because Robbeasy voted for me, I'm going to out him and my other scum partner," does not seem like something any mafioso would do. Remember, when the mafia team wins, all of them win (even those that have died). So it would be beneficial to books in the long run to be quiet about a bussing by his mafia buddies, even though he would end up dead because of it.

That being said, even though I am mildly suspicious of Rob at the moment, I don't feel he's done enough to warrant me voting for him. There is definitely the possibility that books was not bussed by his mafia teammates, although I find it unlikely that at least one of his fellow mafiosi wasn't voting for him.

As an aside to this, I think Rob's position as one of the first (if not the first) voters is actually a good place for a mafioso to place themselves. When voting is done, who is the person that is usually viewed with suspicion? In my experience, it's the hammer voter (in this case me). What better place to occupy then, for a mafioso, than as one of the very first voters, and with a valid reason for voting, none the less.

This is, of course, all to be taken only as conjecture, as I do find some of mrkgnao's arguments against Rob problematic. Particularly gnao's latching onto the sentence, "Do you see why I'm doing this?" That does, given, sound suspect, and could be a mafioso member semi-apologising to another mafioso for voting them. Then again, it could be little more than Rob merely commenting that his vote was made for an obvious reason.

Other than the current Robbeasy related talk, I don't really have much to add. I've skimmed through books' day one posts, and have found nothing in his interactions with other players to be overtly sinister. I should look over the formation of the wagon on him, though. Perhaps that would yield more.

HijacK: Good luck with your university applications.
Robbeasy: <snip>
Well, it seems that "linguistics" is just as good a "weapon" as "voting" to "apply pressure and make Mafia uncomfortable". Thank you for writing what is by far your longest post to date on an argument that you clearly regard as laughable. I am honoured.
My feelings about other people, besides Robbeasy.

Neutral, tend to mafia:
- Vitek: His insistence on us talking only about things that interest him is becoming progressively disturbing. Initially, I tried to counter it with jokes, but now I no longer see it as funny. To my mind the power of the town lies in discussing most things in the open (except things that would give the mafia undue information). The way people reveal themselves is by getting them to talk, not by making them shut up.
- trentonlf: Primarily for revealing his role and his ship model and for as yet offering no convincing reason why he did it. On the other hand, the immediacy with which he shared his night episode gives him brownie points from me. Truth be told, there's something fishy about his posts that made me think for a while that he may not be scum, but rather have his own independent agenda. Mixed feelings at the moment.

- CSPVG, Krypsyn, Sage: Did not post enough for me to make an opinion about them. Did I mention that I don't like lurkers?

Neutral, tend to town:
- DarkoD13: Seems keen to attempt to push most people's buttons (including mine) in a way that feels genuine to me.
- dedoporno: I'm a bit wary because of the similiraty between our views (mentioned by someone before), but otherwise shows all the signs of honest investigation. Despite having lost his temper, I believe he held himself well against Vitek.
- yogsloth: Except for the speed with which he voted for adalia immediately after I did (plus the comment that accompanied the vote), all his moves feel pro-town. Ironically, I don't find adaliabooks' obsession with him to be vindicating.
- HijacK: I ended day #1 with a strong pro-town feeling from him. A bit diluted by his limited posting on day #2.