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Is this Krypsyn's last revenge LOL

This is what you get for voting a mafia as your mod!
Hey, you can remember it how you guys want to. This is how I choose to remember it. It is hard for me to express how much I hate mass-claims.

In fact, I think this sort of 'seak-and-destroy' anyone who truthfully claims power might make in appearance in one of my games at one point. *hums innocently*
Ignoring the flavor craziness for a moment,

mrkgnao: If you're referring to my mentioning in passing that I am a girl, that wasn't a lie.
Isn't Raphael a male name? (=I stalk u)
Krypsyn: Hey, you can remember it how you guys want to. This is how I choose to remember it. It is hard for me to express how much I hate mass-claims.

In fact, I think this sort of 'seak-and-destroy' anyone who truthfully claims power might make in appearance in one of my games at one point. *hums innocently*
Ah, gotcha.

Yeah, I learned something about mass-claims in this game. I was so against it because I thought it would confuse things... but once we did it, I realized it completely sewed up town win. It was impossible to lose at that point.

I made a note to ask GoGFather what that obscure rule meant about "cryptoclaiming", because I think that's what we did.

When I design a game, you can be damn sure a mass role claim won't work the way it did in this one.
Krypsyn: Hey, you can remember it how you guys want to. This is how I choose to remember it. It is hard for me to express how much I hate mass-claims.

In fact, I think this sort of 'seak-and-destroy' anyone who truthfully claims power might make in appearance in one of my games at one point. *hums innocently*
I guess I was right early on when I said you and mrkgnao were scum. :-P
DarkoD13: Ignoring the flavor craziness for a moment,

mrkgnao: If you're referring to my mentioning in passing that I am a girl, that wasn't a lie.
DarkoD13: Isn't Raphael a male name? (=I stalk u)
Oh, mrkgnao is a woman? Missed that. Well, dang, now I need to change my flavor text...
DarkoD13: Ignoring the flavor craziness for a moment,

Isn't Raphael a male name? (=I stalk u)
Krypsyn: Oh, mrkgnao is a woman? Missed that. Well, dang, now I need to change my flavor text...
Mrkgnao is a guy ;-)
No no no, he's not a female. Good grief.

Post edited December 05, 2014 by yogsloth
@Krypsyn and mrkgnao

Why do this:

Why expose yourselves with such a scummy tactic when the chances of a Vitek lynch were pretty good? We would have even avoided the mass claim that bothered Krypsyn so much.
yogsloth: I made a note to ask GoGFather what that obscure rule meant about "cryptoclaiming", because I think that's what we did.
No. Crypto-claiming is when you use an actual cipher. What you did is only quasi against the rules, since you were quoting parts of the PM directly.

Here is a discussion of what cryptoclaiming is:
trentonlf: Mrkgnao is a guy ;-)
I know, it was a joke. You note that I never did change the flavor text. :P


Edited the end-of-Day post with QT links.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by Krypsyn
Oh, quicktopic links pl0x!

EDIT: Thanks.
Post edited December 05, 2014 by DarkoD13
Well, thanks to everyone for a good but exhausting game! Thanks for the opportunity to join this little tribe, and I hope to be in the next game as well.

If I had stuck to my guns on Krypsyn in day 2 and hadn't been such a pussy about it, town would probably have run the table. HijacK thought my apology was BS, but it wasn't... changing my vote from Krypsyn to him was a dumb, poor play on my part.

I learned a ton, had a lot of fun, and hope to catch everyone in whatever flub has cooked up for us!

Here are my PMs:
Telika: Hello Glitch. You are piloting the Yogsloth, an Iniurfas Mark III fighter fitted with Mostyklod pellet guns. This supplementary weapon won't pierce any standard hull, however it will still damage any outside equipment, effectively neutralising any special device equipping the target. Every night, you will target a ship and remove for the rest of the battle any "special ability" it may have.

Paranoid (you have to use your ability every night, on a different target each time)
Telika: You are certain that there are other traitors in the squadron, and the sight of this Dantagol launcher has (rightly) terrified you. What if the others also have such devastating weaponery. You decide that it is safer to disable them all, for the rest of the battle. The chaotic melee offers good opportunities for that, allowing you to slide behind the Trenton without its pilot noticing you. You switch to secondary weapons, and your articulated arms deploy the pellet guns, before locking them on your target. As you pass by him at full speed, you spray a full round all over its hull. Whatever external equipment it had -if any- should be in shreds now. And your speed must have been sufficient to not be identified.

You fold down the pellet guns, switch back to hull weaponery, and rejoin the re-forming squadron.
Telika: You manoeuver in a large circle in order to come face to face with the Darko, which you shower with light caliber projectiles. Knowing that no secondary device would have survived it, you rejoin the squadron.
Can we have the QTs? That ought to make for a fun hundred hours or so of reading. And by fun, I mean brutally tedious.
yogsloth: Can we have the QTs? That ought to make for a fun hundred hours or so of reading. And by fun, I mean brutally tedious.
The Olipsi chat is pretty short. We didn't have that much to talk about. Even I never read all of the Sage chat...
Yeah, mass-claim handed the game over to town hands.